Paola Saluzzi, the beloved Italian television presenter and journalist, has opened up about her life and experiences during her recent appearance on Rai 2's Storie di Donne al Bivio. The show aired on January 3, 2025, and revealed secrets from Saluzzi's past, including battles with eating disorders, her private marriage, and the poignant loss of her parents.
During the episode, she discussed her marriage to Gabriele Romagnoli, which she described as somewhat unconventional. "Mi sono sposata da sola a New York e non l’ho detto a nessuno," she recalled during her appearance on Oggi è un altro giorno. Saluzzi explained her rationale behind the secrecy, stating, "Un po’ perché eravamo entrambi grandi e un po’ per fare un regalo alle nostre mamme che, oggi, non ci sono più." This intimate moment offered listeners insight not just about her relationship, but also about her deep affection for her parents, who were aware of the marriage at the time.
The loss of her parents played heavily on Saluzzi’s emotional state, as she shared during her interview. "Sono morti nel 2017 a distanza di sette mesi l’uno dall’altra," she revealed, expressing how this period was one of the most challenging times of her life. Her father passed away first, followed by her mother, who she described as having fought diligently to stay present for both Paola and her sister. Their deaths have left an enduring impact on Saluzzi, one she continues to navigate today.
Saluzzi's struggles did not end with the loss of her parents. She bravely addressed her past issues with eating disorders. She shared how feelings of insecurity coupled with her newfound fame led her down a difficult path, often finding solace through food. "Era tutto complicato quindi io mangiavo e poi trovavo sempre una scusa per andare in bagno," she recounted the pain she felt during her struggles with bulimia and the need to conceal her condition.
A defining moment for Saluzzi came from her friendship with fellow journalist, Luca Giurato, who she describes as both wise and kind. "Luca è stato l’amico di una vita e mi conosceva bene e nonostante lavorassimo da due anni insieme mi conosceva così bene," she said with fondness. Giurato's gentle confrontation about her eating habits became the catalyst for her recovery. His words, "adesso basta, adesso basta, ti devi volere bene," served as both wake-up call and affirmation, leading Saluzzi to recognize the importance of self-love.
Another turning point occurred during what Saluzzi now reflects on as one fateful morning at the coffee shop with Giurato, when he recognized her anxiety over her eating habits. Saluzzi described the experience, admitting her initial embarrassment turned to relief when she understood his genuine concern. This pivotal interaction enabled her to make significant changes, reconnecting her with herself as she began to heal.
Despite these trials, Saluzzi has navigated her way back to balance. Today, she practices self-care and is strict about her health, becoming mindful of what she eats. "Sono molto attenta a ciò che quotidianamente porto sulla mia tavola," she emphasized, highlighting how her relationship with food has transformed from one of turmoil to one of careful consideration. Paola has also developed routines, taking time each day to enjoy relaxation through reading and drinking herbal teas. She recognizes this mindful approach as a luxury particularly reserved for women who often juggle many responsibilities.
Saluzzi's story serves as more than just personal reflection - it’s one of resilience against life's adversities, the importance of support from friends, and the strength found even after significant loss. Her openness about her struggles has the potential to inspire others, revisiting their narratives through her lens of experience and courage.
Moving forward, Saluzzi intends to honor the memories of her loved ones through her work, continuing to share her insights and lessons learned to encourage emotional and physical balance among her audience.