On March 15, 2025, the Olympia Einkaufszentrum (OEZ) in Munich became the scene of widespread panic following multiple reports of gunfire, reminiscent of the tragic events from nine years ago. At around 16:20, shoppers began to flee the premises after several individuals called the emergency number, claiming to have heard gunshots and seen others running for safety. This prompted a large-scale response from the police, fire department, and rescue services, summoning approximately 120 emergency responders to the location.
Upon their arrival, officers found no evidence of shots being fired or any armed individuals within the shopping center. The Munich police confirmed through inquiries and searches of the area, stating, "Durch eine Absuche und durchgeführte Zeugenbefragungen konnte schnell ausgeschlossen werden, dass sich eine bewaffnete Person im OEZ befand" (By searching the area and interviewing witnesses, it could be quickly ruled out there was any armed individual present at the OEZ).
While the incident did induce panic among shoppers, leading to some minor injuries as people hurriedly evacuated, it was quickly established there was no immediate danger to the public. Reports indicated some shoppers fell during the commotion, with at least one 10-month-old boy needing treatment for a head wound.
This chaotic scene was intensified by the collective memories of the 2016 attack at the OEZ, where nine individuals lost their lives. Eyewitness accounts reflected how strongly the past events impacted the reactions of the public, with one shopper recalling, "Ich fühlte mich wie beim Terroranschlag vor neun Jahren" (I felt like it was another terrorist attack from nine years ago). The shadow of the 2016 incident loomed large as shoppers fled with their hearts racing and alarms echoing through the halls.
The police diligently worked to calm fears, reiteratively assuring the public there was no indication of criminal activities at any time during the incident. "Es bestand zu keiner Zeit eine Gefahr für die Bevölkerung" (There was no time when there was any danger to the population), reiterated the official spokesperson.
Despite the repercussions of the panic, the decisive actions of the responders and the cooperation of the public helped mitigate the chaos. Police are now investigating what might have caused the sound initially interpreted as gunshots, seeking to provide clarity on the matter and prevent future incidents of similar nature.
Community members have expressed gratitude for the emergency services’ quick response, even as they process the emotional toll of such incidents. The sense of dread brought by false alarm was sharpened by the haunting memories of the 2016 tragedy and the safety of the community remains at the forefront of public interest.
With the police continuing to investigate the source of the noises, there is hope for a clearer explanation of the day’s events. Local officials are committed to addressing community concerns, implementing measures to restore confidence and safety at the Olympia Einkaufszentrum, ensuring citizens feel secure as they enjoy shops and activities within the sprawling complex.