Today : Sep 28, 2024
28 September 2024

Panda Pair Brings Joy To Hong Kong

Giant pandas An An and Ke Ke arrive to boost tourism and celebrate the city's connection to nature

A pair of giant pandas gifted by the central government to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of China arrived Thursday, sparking celebrations among panda lovers.

The arrival of two giant pandas, gifted to Hong Kong by the central government just before National Day, has added joy to the celebratory atmosphere, says Chief Secretary Eric Chan Kwok-ki. An An and Ke Ke will greet the public after a 30-day quarantine period and an additional month for adjustment, Chan said at the Hong Kong airport yesterday. "It will be the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in a few days and at this moment full of joy, the city welcomes a pair of energetic adult giant pandas to join the big family of Hong Kong," Chan said. "This is double happiness!"

The pair arrived at around 11am after a two-hour flight on a Cathay Pacific plane from Chengdu. Staff from Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and Ocean Park boarded the flight to assess the newcomers' condition. The pair then motored to their new home, arriving at 1.20pm, escorted by police elite motorcyclists. Park chairman Paulo Pong Kin-yee described their voyage as "smooth" and "successful" and said the pandas are expected to meet the public at Christmas time.

Hong Kong leader John Lee noted the newcomers will boost the existing panda population to six at Ocean Park, marking the highest number ever seen there. Visitors may grow more excited about the addition of An An and Ke Ke, especially following the recent birth of twin cubs to another resident panda, Ying Ying.

"We're doing everything we can to make the pandas feel at home," Lee remarked, as workers at Ocean Park have prepared a giant enclosure complete with bamboo leaves planted earlier. The pandas’ presence is already generating buzz among local and tourist communities.

With anticipation building, there are special plans for welcoming the pandas to their new surroundings aside from the quarantine period. Work is underway to create themed promotions and infrastructure to encourage tourism, which several lawmakers are hoping could lead to what they've dubbed the 'panda economy'. This idea mixes tourism with the charm of these adorable creatures to maximize the benefits to the region.

"Pandas are considered China's unofficial national mascot, and their global appeal could significantly impact local tourism," remarked Liza Ng Shiow-lan, Chief Executive of Greater Bay Airlines, who believes the newcomers will transform visitor numbers to Ocean Park.

Public sentiment surrounding the arrival of An An and Ke Ke is overwhelmingly enthusiastic. Locals and tourists alike haven’t held back their excitement. Ruan, who traveled from Hunan with her six-year-old daughter, expressed her dismay at not being able to see the panda halls immediately but added she's thrilled with the arrival nonetheless. "My children think pandas are the cutest, and we have lots of panda toys at home!" she exclaimed.

Despite some disappointments, many see the arrival as special. Senior citizen Li shared her joy, stating her trips to the park would be frequently tied to the pandas. "I was especially excited, and I thank the central government for giving us such happiness," she added.

And businesses are taking notice. Ocean Park plans to roll out new merchandise featuring the pandas, including food and beverage items with unique Hong Kong elements. Pong expressed his hopes for the pandas to draw crowds and revenue to help fuel the park's finances.

But as much as the community admires these charming animals, there are serious undertones of how expensive it truly is to care for pandas. Caring for pandas in captivity can be quite costly, as evident from other parts of the world where facilities have had to reconsider their connections to these beloved animals due to financial constraints. Experts from Sichuan indicated the new arrivals could mate next year, which could bring even more joy as their offspring would likely attract even greater attention.

The significance of having these giant pandas extend beyond mere tourism. They symbolize the relationship between Hong Kong and Mainland China, encapsulating soft power diplomacy. Their presence is more than just about boosting tourism; it’s about engaging locals and tourists alike with China’s rich biodiversity.

Meanwhile, the city prepares to welcome the introduction of these pandas fully with plans already set for public engagement through naming contests. This community engagement mirrors the excitement and public spirit surrounding the arrival of animals perceived as symbols of good fortune and joy.

The panda pair's flight was celebrated with children waving panda stuffed animals, and the moments leading to their arrival captured hearts. Though the excitement lingers, the pandas will take time to adapt to their new home before making their grand debut.

For many locals, An An and Ke Ke's arrival marks the commencement of new memories to be cherished at the beloved Ocean Park. Their role is anticipated not just as icons of tourism but as integral threads to the narrative of community bonding, environmental awareness, and international relationships.

With the city poised at the intersection of culture and conservation, the joyous addition of giant pandas offers not just enchantment but sparks conversations about ecology, sustainability, and the world’s dwindling natural wonders. The arrival of An An and Ke Ke is heralding new hope for closer ties and shared joy as Hong Kong continues to embrace the legacy of the panda.

Looking forward, the bears will require significant attention and care, but the response from the public displays unwavering support for their well-being. Efforts toward conserving and cherishing these unique gifts, both from the Chinese government and the heart of the local community, are rooted deep within, promising future endeavors to be fruitful and fulfilling.

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