Priyanka Chopra’s Oscar-nominated film Anuja is soaring high as it prepares for its anticipated release on Netflix. The short film, nominated for the Best Live Action Short Film category at the 2025 Academy Awards, is creating quite the buzz online. Set to stream on February 5, 2025, the film features actors Nagesh Bhonsale, Sanjda Pathan, and Rudolfo Rajeev Hubert, among others, all under the direction of filmmaker Adam J Graves. According to the Free Press Journal, Netflix has released the trailer, branding Anuja as “a story of resilience, sisterhood, and hope.”
The plot follows the life of nine-year-old Anuja, who lives with her seventeen-year-old sister, Palak, working tirelessly at a garment factory. Everything changes for Anuja when she encounters a compassionate teacher who offers her the chance to attend an elite boarding school. This opportunity forces her to grapple with the tough decision between pursuing her education and continuing to support her sister at the factory.
Co-producer Adam J Graves expressed his gratitude for the film's collaboration, saying, “Suchitra and I are incredibly grateful... this story of hope was brought to life through collaboration with so many talented and passionate people.” This sentiment highlights the hard work and dedication poured by the production team, which includes notable figures such as Mindy Kaling, Guneet Monga Kapoor, and Priyanka Chopra, who serve as executive producers.
Not just another film, Anuja promises to resonate deeply with many viewers. Kaling, who has also been vocal about her excitement for the film, noted, “It is a dream come true to have Anuja on Netflix, where it can be seen by the worldwide audience it deserves. I’m so grateful to Bela Bajaria and Netflix India for seeing what I saw in this beautiful short film!”
This inspiring project showcases the importance of sisterhood and resilience as Anuja and Palak navigate life-altering choices. Their story reflects the circumstances many young girls face globally, forcing them to choose between their immediate responsibilities and their long-term aspirations.
The film is backed by strong producers, including Suchitra Mattai, Guneet Monga Kapoor, Krushan Naik, Aaron Kopp, Devananda Graves, Michael Graves, Ksheetij Saini, and Alexandra Blaney. Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Anita Bhatia, alongside co-executive producers Archana Jain, Susan MacLaury, and Albie Hecht, also lend their support. Their commitment to the film has been instrumental, with stakes high as Anuja captures audiences’ hearts.
The authenticity of the film is rooted in its collaboration with Mira Nair’s Salaam Baalak Trust, known for empowering street and working children. With lead actor Sajda Pathan being one of its beneficiaries, her role reflects the deeply personal nature of the film's narrative.
Already recognized by the Academy, Anuja is set to make waves when it premieres on February 5, 2025, on Netflix. This powerful tale of resilience, sisterhood, and hope is much more than just entertainment; it portrays the struggles and triumphs experienced by many young girls worldwide.
With its upcoming release, audiences can look forward to being inspired by Anuja’s story and the themes it embodies. The film is not only poised to make significant strides following its Oscar nomination but also to spark conversations on the adversity faced by girls around the globe.