One of the longest-running and cherished manga series, One Piece, is set to go on hiatus following the release of chapter 1134, with the break attributed not only to its creator Eiichiro Oda’s health issues but also to the publication decisions made by Shueisha. The anticipated chapter is expected to drop on December 22, 2024, marking the last installment of the year. Following this publication, One Piece will take another pause during the holiday season, which has raised many questions among devoted fans.
The series has seen its fair share of interruptions recently due to Oda's battle with health complications, including gout and high blood pressure, persisting over several years. While the editorial team of Shueisha had initially planned for continuous releases, the fluctuations triggered by Oda's condition led them to recalibrate their approach to the serialization schedule. The fans need not worry, as recent commentary from the publisher indicates Oda is currently experiencing improved health, allowing for the completion of chapter 1134.
For many fans, chapter 1133 ended on a dramatic note—encounters on the island of Elbaph unfolded compellingly. The mugiwara crew encountered long-lost comrades such as Robin and Saul and saw the emotions wound around their nostalgic meetings. It is here, at Saul’s extensive library, where notable revelations about the world’s history, ohara’s legacy, and perhaps Joy Boy’s intriguing past, could surface, hinting at thrilling developments for the coming chapters.
On the other hand, excitement reverberates among fans of the live-action adaptation of One Piece. It became Netflix’s most successful adaptation from manga and anime, achieving notoriety shortly after release. Just two weeks after its premiere, Oda confirmed the much-anticipated renewal for season 2. Filming took place primarily in Cape Town and has recently wrapped up, with celebrations had during wrap parties among crews and significant actors. Natalie Walsh shared the festive news with her fans via social media, posting, “Wrap party vibes let's gooooo.”
This second season is destined for release at the end of 2025, covering arcs including Loguetown and Drum Island. The decision to postpone the adaptation of the Arasbasta arc to season 3 allows for greater fidelity to the original material, ensuring numerous fan-favorite moments aren't excluded. Such strategies will not only broaden the narrative but allow the show to successfully blend action and storytelling, which is something Oda aims for.
Looking toward merchandise, fans can expect to see fresh products stemming from the franchise. MegaHouse has revealed plans for their latest line of action figures. Dubbed Portrait of Pirates Evolutionary History, it will debut with Nami, featuring the character wearing attire from the Egghead Island saga. With the figure towering at 25 cm, it will retail for approximately 19,800 Yen (around €123), but international pricing may vary significantly. The launch is slated for July 2025, creating yet another avenue for fans to celebrate the legacy of One Piece.
It is heartening to see how One Piece continues to capture new followers, whether through the pages of the manga, the heights of Netflix's live-action series, or the extensive merchandise lineup. Eiichiro Oda’s influence is indisputable, reflected not just through his storytelling but also through the passion it inspires across generations.
With the pause upcoming, readers can choose to immerse themselves along with various side materials reflecting the stories of the world Oda has ingeniously crafted. While waiting for the next adventures, fans might pretty well enjoy the recent chapter memories or re-watch the live-action series on Netflix to keep the spirit of One Piece alive!