The family drama surrounding O.J. Simpson's estate has taken center stage as his son, Justin Simpson, has been accused of improperly claiming his late father's Las Vegas home. The lawsuit was filed by Malcolm LaVergne, the special administrator of O.J. Simpson’s estate, on January 6, sparking new revelations about family burden.
According to the details of the suit, Justin is alleged to have moved illegally from the Arbour Garden Avenue property after his father passed away from cancer on April 10. The lawsuit claims Justin’s company, Primary Holdings LLC, which he wholly owns, has refused to repay the estate for the investments O.J. Simpson made concerning the property.
LaVergne argues the deal for the property was established to protect O.J. Simpson’s financial interests and to shield the home from creditor claims. This stems from the legal and financial troubles surrounding the infamous former football star. When he died, O.J. Simpson had outstanding debts to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and had previously been found liable for the wrongful deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, totaling $33.5 million.
The lawsuit points out the convoluted financial agreements between Justin and his father, stating, “it was understood by Justin, Primary Holdings, and decedent (O.J. Simpson) meant to be the de facto owner of the Arbour Garden Property, with Primary Holdings existing only as the nominal owner.” The claim raises questions about the ethics of Justin's actions, which LaVergne describes as “very selfish.”
Details reveal Justin utilized his experience as a real estate agent to convince his father to place the property under Justin’s control, potentially clouding the financial obligations on the estate. "Justin used his knowledge as a real estate agent to convince his ailing father to...," highlights the exclusive nature of Justin’s control over the estate. This move is criticized for undermining O.J.'s intentions.
Although technically Primary Holdings purchased the home, O.J. Simpson continued to maintain all associated payments including the mortgage, utilities, and upkeep costs up until his passing, raising additional complications about ownership. This financial arrangement has left questions about the legitimacy of the property's transition to Justin post-death.
LaVergne, expressing the estate's position, reiterated, “Either Justin writes me a check for what was put down for the property and the increase in the value, the equity of it, which is probably now roughly about a quarter of a million dollars, or he can title the property to me and let me figure out what to do with the property.” His comments suggest he may seek legal means to reclaim what is owed to the estate.
The complicated saga of O.J. Simpson’s estate reflects long-standing family tensions and unresolved financial obligations. With Justin Simpson at the center of legal scrutiny, there are questions about how this will affect his relationship with the estate and what answers will emerge from the legal proceedings. The story is still developing as the family navigates this challenging moment, balancing the weight of legacy with financial legality.