Oha Suta, the beloved information station for elementary school students, kicks off its January 2025 programming lineup with exciting new features and engaging themes. The show promises week-long fun focusing on popular topics like games, anime, and entertainment, ensuring viewers are entertained and informed.
The schedule is packed with special segments. Mondays are dubbed 'Jump Days', where students can participate as Oha Suta supporters, with opportunities to win prizes and visit the studio. A highlight includes the 'Challenge Jump' segment, where young viewers can demonstrate their skills through various jump-related activities.
This month’s lineup also welcomes the popular characters from 'Saikyou Jump'. Co-hosts Cotton, comprising Shinji Nishimura and Kyon, will bring beloved characters to life, joined by Ryo Matsumaru as they engage with students. Notably, there’s also the return of the Hyper Yo-Yo Challenge, challenging young participants with impressive tricks.
On the second week, the show will hold its New Year's Special, featuring popular MC Subaru (Kimura Subaru) as they support the dreams of the young audience. Subaru will tackle the impressive feat of performing a backflip, engaging kids with interactive voting for luxurious giveaways.
Another engaging feature includes 'Fortune Telling Tuesday', where students can explore tarot reading and horoscopes to learn about their fortunes for 2025. Participants will gain insights through fortune-telling practices, providing fun educational content alongside entertainment.
This week’s content will also spotlight popular series and characters such as 'Sumikko Gurashi' and the new 'iプリ' items, aimed at keeping kids excited about new finds. Each episode will include activities encouraging bonding among classmates, like Yasuko’s speed games.
To keep the excitement bubbling through the week, 'Mystery Kingdom' will challenge Matsumaru as he interacts with students, going to schools directly to engage them. The popular animation 'Totonon', themed around sauna experiences, is set to air, ensuring friendly and educational viewing.
On Fridays, viewers will tune in for 'Pokemon Where We Go?', where special guests like Yuusuke from NON STYLE will join the fun. Children can look forward to adventures with their favorite Pokemon characters as they explore different themes and challenges throughout the year.
The series, which enlivens mornings across Japan, continues to evolve, combining current trends with kid-friendly content to provide educational yet thrilling programming. With its interactive segments and relatable hosts, Oha Suta remains the go-to show for young viewers seeking excitement and learning each day of the week.