On December 29, NTV aired the exciting finale of the third season of 'Avatar,' where all the participants were finally revealed. This thrilling conclusion showcased performances from various avatars, much to the delight of fans and judges alike.
The show, which has gained immense popularity, involves celebrities controlling digital avatars hidden behind elaborate costumes. The panel of judges, including Sergey Lazarev, Lera Kudryavtseva, Timur Batrutdinov, Mari Kraimbreri, and Mark Tishman, attempted to identify the stars through their voices and movements.
The evening began with the first avatar, Domovoy, who performed 'I Want to Break Free' by Queen. Mark Tishman was quick on the draw, successfully guessing the true identity behind Domovoy. It was none other than the acclaimed musical producer and Comedy Club resident, Zurab Matua.
Next up was Medusa Gorgona, performing 'I’m Every Woman' originally by Whitney Houston. The judges were once again spot on as they identified the singer behind the mask, Maria Zaitseva. This quick succession of correct guesses set the tone for the evening.
The avatar Gray Wolf, who captivated the audience with 'Uleteli Listya' by Viktor Saltykov, was revealed to be the singer Stas Kostyushkin. Both Mari Kraimbreri and Mark Tishman were credited with this accurate guess.
Then came Strashila (The Scarecrow), who surprised the panel with the unexpected, performing 'Talking to the Moon' by Bruno Mars. Despite the judges’ best efforts, they struggled to pinpoint Strashila’s true identity at first. It wasn't until the second song, 'Aiy-Aiy-Aiy' performed by Leonid Agutin, was completed, by which point the mystery was clear. The avatar belonged to none other than Alexander Ivanov, known as IVAN.
Finally, the most shocking reveal was of the avatar Firebird, performing 'Taki Rari' by Ima Sumak and 'Do Not Let Me Go' by Ani Lorak and Sergey Lazarev. This avatar turned out to be the talented Dianna Ankudinova, which left the judges stunned, albeit excited to confirm their findings.
Concluding the evening were the season’s champions: IVAN as Strashila and Dianna Ankudinova as Firebird. Even though they remained unidentified after the first song, they were revealed after the second as per the show's exciting rules.
This season's finale not only entertained but also engaged the audience as they attempted to guess the identities alongside the judges. The show's format has proven to be both innovative and captivating, ensuring its continued success.
The finale displayed the remarkable talent of not only the contestants but also of the judges who navigated this thrilling guessing game with humor and suspense. With each reveal, the suspense heightened, maintaining audience engagement until the very end.
Fans are already eagerly anticipating what the next season will bring, as this installment of 'Avatar' solidified its place as one of Russia’s beloved entertainment programs.