Noa, the daughter of popular talent Tsujimoto, made her debut on the reality dating show Today, I Fell in Love, during its Season 2025 Graduation Edition which premiered on January 13, 2025, from Seoul, South Korea. This show, known for its theme of high school love, brings together current high school students for what can be described as romantic adventures.
Born on November 26, 2007, Noa has long aspired to join this show, expressing her dreams to participate since her elementary school days. Her wishes became a reality after she attended auditions by herself, showcasing her determination and passion for becoming part of this popular youth drama. This year, she finds herself as part of the show’s cast, which also includes various returning participants, making for exciting dynamics.
The format of Today, I Fell in Love revolves around these young individuals embarking on what they call their "love school trip,’’ engaging in playful challenges and outings, all centered around developing feelings for one another. During this season, the romantic escapades take place amid the backdrop of vibrant Seoul, providing the perfect stage for budding love. The show's first episode opened with meet-and-greet activities where Noa quickly caught the attention of her peers.
Confident yet charming, Noa introduced herself at the initial gathering, saying, "Hello, I’m Noa, a 2nd-year high school student from Tokyo!" Her charisma and poise set her apart, leading to immediate admiration from other participants. She was quickly spotted by Haruna, who asked, “Do you have a YouTube channel?” confirming Noa’s presence as not just Tsujimoto’s daughter, but as an influencer with substantial followership.
Throughout the gathering, Noa showcased her personality, highlighting her interests and ideals about love. She revealed, "I’m really nervous, but I like kind people who express their affection every day." This sentiment resonates deeply with the youthful audiences tuned in, reflecting their own aspirations and experiences within the realms of teenage romance.
On her first interactions during dinner, Noa noted her initial intrigue with fellow cast member Leo, appreciating his coolness when he shared his background, saying, “I thought it was really cool when he mentioned he was doing breakdancing.” Their chemistry unfolded charmingly, building tension and excitement among the cast.
During the group conversations featuring chats about hobbies and personal interests, Noa easily connected with Satoru, who invited her to sit next to him at lunch. Their talk about pets led Noa to confess her love for cats, creating warm exchanges within the group. Moments later, Satoru showcased his unique birthday guessing talents, impressing Noa and the audience alike.
The reactions on social media were swift and overwhelmingly positive. Fans were eager to engage with the fresh new face of Noa, showering her with comments about her charm, including thoughts like, "Noa-chan is simply adorable" and "Noa-chan seems to shine brightly!" Some viewers expressed excitement about the opportunities Noa could have during the show, saying things like, "I hope Noa-chan's romance works out!" Clearly, her presence on the show has impacted the viewers and contributed to its early buzz.
Noa, described as having over 2.6 million followers across her social media channels, sets the tone for lively conversations both on and off-camera, making her one of the central figures to follow. Her appeal not only lies within her looks but extends to her talents, including baking, which she described as her forte, “I can make sweets and bread, and I’m pretty good at everything." Her versatility and approachable nature create relatable content for viewers, bridging gaps between celebrity life and daily teenage experiences.
With the series continuing for five weeks, viewers are eager for the upcoming episodes, particularly when the girls will confess their feelings to the boys on the last day. No doubt, Noa will remain at the forefront of the audience’s attention, showcasing her growth and exploration of love during this unique opportunity. It seems her debut has not merely begun another reality show season but heralded the rise of one of its most captivating personalities.
Today, I Fell in Love promises not only thrilling romantic entanglements but also the anticipation of how Noa's narrative will evolve as watchers tune in to see what happens next. The blend of heartfelt emotion and youthful exuberance will surely keep the audience engaged as these high school students navigate love, friendship, and self-discovery amid their quest for romance.