On January 22, 2025, the world of shogi held its breath as Tomoka Nishiyama faced off against Kanta Sakaki in the culmination of the Shogi Professional Qualification Examination at the Kansai Shogi Hall, located in Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture. The stakes were exceptionally high; Nishiyama was vying to make history as the first female shogi professional, and this match was not just another game. It was the final battleground of the rigorous examination series.
Nishiyama, known for her tenacity and skill, entered this match with intense determination. "I will do my best to win," she stated, reflecting her mindset before stepping onto the board. Having garnered two victories against two defeats prior to this ultimate showdown, the pressure was palpable for the 29-year-old contender.
Shogi, often dubbed the Japanese version of chess, has long been dominated by male players, which makes Nishiyama's bid for professional status even more compelling. The historical significance of this event cannot be overstated; it marks a potential turning point for gender representation within the sport. Should she succeed, Nishiyama would pave the way for future generations of female players, proving their abilities on par with their male counterparts.
The match itself took place over one of the most anticipated stages, with spectators filling the aisles of the Kansai Shogi Hall. The atmosphere was charged, with fans eager to witness the clash of two burgeoning talents. Kanta Sakaki, only 26 years old and determined to prove his own mettle, presented formidable opposition. Observers noted the intensity as both players carefully plotted their strategies, each move echoing through the hall.
Throughout the contest, Nishiyama showcased her prowess with commendable strategies. Yet, as the match progressed, it became evident Sakaki was equally committed to victory. Each of Sakaki’s moves revealed his tactical expertise, countering Nishiyama's advances and responding to each of her strategic thrusts.
At the conclusion of this titanic struggle, Kanta Sakaki emerged victorious after 135 moves. Nishiyama's dream of becoming the first female shogi professional foray would have to wait, as she ended with two wins and three losses overall—just shy of the required success to pass the examination.
Reflecting on her performance and the result, Nishiyama expressed disappointment but acknowledged the importance of the moment. "She showed great determination moving forward," Sakaki commented after the match, recognizing the intensity and effort Nishiyama brought to the board.
Although this chapter did not conclude as Nishiyama had hoped, it signifies the beginning of another path. Upon exiting the hall, she indicated plans to regroup and analyze the competition, stating she had to think thoroughly before making any decisions about her future attempts. "I want to approach this again, but I need to organize my thoughts first," she expressed thoughtfully.
For many observers and enthusiasts of shogi, Nishiyama's quality of play and commitment has already inspired numerous female players across Japan. Regardless of the outcome, her presence has undoubtedly changed the dynamics within the sport, igniting conversations about inclusivity and the expansion of opportunities for aspiring female shogi players.
This match, showcased as not just another battle for professional status but also as a historical event for female representation, could spur changes within the hierarchy of shogi. Whether Nishiyama aims for another attempt at the qualification exams or diversifies her focus, one thing is clear—the legacy of her endeavor has begun to flicker promisingly on the horizon of shogi.