The vibrant and colorful Nishikigoi, often referred to as "swimming jewels," have captivated audiences around the world, yet the rich history of these koi fish, originating from Niigata, remains lesser-known. This unique fish variety, cultivated through selective breeding, has been celebrated since its early documentation by the Niigata Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station back in 1931. The origins trace back to the Edo period where, during the Bunsei era (1804-1830), colored koi began to emerge from mutations, leading to the fascinating array of patterns we see today.
According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, about 2.57 million Nishikigoi are sold nationwide, with Niigata Prefecture leading the pack, accounting for over 1 million. This remarkable number is significantly higher than the second-ranking Okayama Prefecture, which sells around 310,000, highlighting Niigata's dominance.
At the Nishikigoi no Sato, one of the rare facilities dedicated to showcasing these exquisite fish, manager Katsuyoshi Hirasawa elaborates on their appeal. He explains, "Nishikigoi has no identical patterns, which is enjoyable. They don't compete with each other, making them soothing to watch." Amidst the beauty of approximately 260 koi swimming gracefully, Hirasawa points out the incredible variety—over 100 breeds exist. Prominent ones include the "Kohaku," known for its white body adorned with red patterns, and the "Showa Sanshoku," which features rich colors splashed magnificently across its body.
Meanwhile, the Japanese entertainment scene is witnessing shifts within its comedic sector, particularly with the recent disbandment announcement from the comedy duo Mighty Girl. On January 4, 2023, Ryosei Tamura and Torako Ayabuki cited increasing internal conflicts and the harsh reality of waning success as reasons behind their decision to break up. "We announced our disbandment since we realized continuing would not bring us success and conflicts have increased," they stated, marking the conclusion of their artistic collaboration.
This breakup reflects broader trends within the industry where entertainment groups face immense pressures to remain relevant. The dynamic nature of the scene necessitates constant adaptation and innovation from performers. The duo's recognition of their situation emphasizes the challenges artists encounter, illustrating how market demands can affect personal and professional relationships.
Speaking of adapting to change, Koji Hiranabe, president of Tokyo Sports, sheds light on the impact of digitalization on journalism. He argues, "What’s important is sensitivity. Data and numbers are important, but the most significant aspect is to cultivate one’s sensitivity." Hiranabe's insight captures the essence of journalism's evolution, as the saturation of digital media has led to more homogenized content, pushing writers to refine their unique voices and storytelling abilities.
Hiranabe reflects on how traditional outlets like Tokyo Sports must maintain their distinctive flavor to survive against this backdrop. He states, “Even under changing conditions—be it morning, noon, or evening—Tokyo Sports must retain its individuality, embracing the entertaining quirks it’s historically offered.” His assertion resonates with daily issues Japanese media faces, encouraging reporters and editors to focus on human experiences and emotions.
Through the exploration of Nishikigoi's captivating existence contrasted with Mighty Girl's poignant exit from the spotlight, it becomes clear how the essence of Japanese culture and entertainment weaves itself through both tradition and modernity. Hopefully, as we navigate through digital innovation, we can also celebrate and preserve the rich heritage present within the unique stories of the Nishikigoi, as well as the bittersweet endings of cherished entertainment duos like Mighty Girl.