Nish Panesar, played by Navin Chowdhry, made his dramatic exit from the long-running British soap opera EastEnders on New Year's Day, marking the end of his reign as one of the show's most iconic villains. Over the past two years, Nish has faced numerous challenges, but the explosive events of the episode culminated with his son, Ravi Gulati, pushing him to his death.
The gripping episode began with the wedding of Suki Panesar (Balvinder Sopal) and Eve Unwin (Heather Peace). After they tied the knot, the newlyweds unknowingly stepped right back to their honeymoon suite, where Nish was lying in wait. The poison he secretly slipped to Eve took effect, leaving her unconscious on the floor.
Nish's twisted plan involved bringing Suki down with him as he tried to ruin her happiness. "My favourite would have to be the Sixmas story," reflects Chowdhry, referring to his favorite storyline involving his character. "There was so much hype and speculation beforehand… it was such a wonderful gift to be part of such monumental moments on the show." This passion for storytelling provided the actors with unforgettable experiences to share.
During the confrontation, chaos ensued as Nish attempted to drag Suki onto the balcony with him. Control turned to turmoil when Ravi intervened, pushing his father over the railing. Tragically, Nish had tangled himself with Suki, creating the perilous situation where he fell first, saving Suki's life by breaking her fall. Though Suki sustained injuries, she survived, and Nish's reign of terror came to a deadly close.
Chowdhry's exit from EastEnders sparked emotional farewells from cast members. Balvinder Sopal described him as "a phenomenal actor and beautiful human being" and shared her heartfelt sentiments on social media. "Take a bow Navin – you crafted and portrayed Nish to spellbinding perfection," she stated, capturing the immense respect and affection he garnered from his colleagues.
Juhaim Rasul Choudhury, who plays Nugget, expressed his own feelings of loss, sharing, "Losing Navin, that's been very emotional... My eyes are in pain, getting red," emphasizing the emotional toll of losing such a valued cast member. Behind-the-scenes footage revealed tearful hugs and warm reflections, highlighting the familial bonds developed over years of working together.
Reflecting on his experiences, Chowdhry noted the overwhelming emotions tied to his character's exit. "It feels very surreal. There's a lot of emotion attached to this. Genuinely lost for words," he admitted, reminding fans of the transformative nature of the roles actors take on and the lives they impact.
The feelings of sadness, love, and gratitude defined Chowdhry's final days on set, culminating with him holding mementos from his character's engaging narrative. "I've got my Albert Square board, and Chris Clenshaw gave me some beautiful cufflinks with the EastEnders Thames logo. I will wear them with pride," he shared, allowing him to carry a piece of Walford with him.
Throughout his time on EastEnders, Chowdhry's chemistry with the cast became apparent. "I started with Aaron first, then with Shiv. They have been like sons, younger brothers, and beautiful friends to me," he reminisced, reinforcing the long-lasting relationships forged through shared experiences and the art of storytelling.
To close this chapter, Chowdhry expressed appreciation for everyone's support, proclaiming, "It's been an absolute joy, an absolute pleasure. Thank you to everybody." His character may have exited with flamboyance, but the impact and legacy of Nish Panesar will remain woven throughout the history of EastEnders.