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Arts & Culture
01 March 2025

Nicolas Prattes Says Farewell To Rudá From Mania De Você

Prattes reflects on his emotional exit and thanks the cast as Rudá's fate concludes.

Nicolas Prattes, well-known for his role as Rudá in the popular telenovela "Mania de Você," bid farewell to his character after his on-screen death during the episode aired on February 27, 2025. The episode depicted Rudá being murdered by Molina, played by Rodrigo Lombardi, as he awaited Viola on the beach, marking the dramatic conclusion to his character's tumultuous arc.

Following the emotional turn of events, Prattes took to social media, sharing heartfelt reflections about his time on the show. "Todos os envolvidos nessa novela são guerreiros. [...] praticaram caráter. Rudá entrou na minha vida de supetão, [...] temos orgulho demais da conta," he remarked, emphasizing the dedication and hard work of everyone involved throughout the production.

The end of Rudá’s storyline provoked mixed responses from both fans and critics alike. While many applauded Prattes for his performance, others expressed disappointment about how the character was treated, with comments ranging from praise to criticism. One viewer lamented, "Nadou, nadou e morreu na praia," reflecting on the perceived futility of Rudá's struggles within the show.

Despite the critiqued reception of his character, Nicolas highlighted the sense of camaraderie he felt with his fellow cast members. "Ninguém faz novela como a gente, fazemos disso boa parte da nossa vida e temos orgulho demais da conta," he stated, recognizing the personal and professional pride each actor brought to their roles.

His farewell post attracted support from his wife, Sabrina Sato, who wrote, "Parabéns meu amor! Tenho tanto orgulho do seu comprometimento, entrega e talento." The public, divided on opinions surrounding the show’s direction, echoed sentiments reflecting both gratitude and dissatisfaction with how Rudá’s storyline concluded.

Throughout its airing, "Mania de Você" has encountered struggles with audience ratings, achieving record low viewership numbers for Globo’s primetime slot. Despite the mixed reviews, Prattes’ performance has been noted for its emotional depth, particularly during the show’s more intense scenes.

Prattes’ emotional farewell to Rudá came at the conclusion of what appeared to be both the end of the character's narrative and the actor's engagement with the work he had invested so much effort. Reflecting on the overall experience, he expressed appreciation to everyone who had been part of the production. "Agradeço cada um que me olhou no olho e se abriu, trocou, riu, chorou e se doou. Esse é o nosso ofício. Fomos a companhia de muita gente, na sala de casa, no ponto de ônibus, no leito do hospital e em tantos outros lugares,” he shared, underlining how important the collective effort is among the team.

Despite the challenges throughout its airing, Prattes leaves "Mania de Você" not only as the character Rudá but more so as an actor strengthened by the experience and the connections he made. With his statement, "Rudá, você agora não é mais meu, é livre! É do imaginário de cada um, enquanto tive você, fui muito feliz," he signifies the closing of one chapter, expressing hope as he steps forward to future projects.

Though "Mania de Você" may not have reached the heights of its predecessors, Nicolas Prattes’ dedication to the role of Rudá has established him as both relatable and noteworthy, setting the stage for whatever lies next in his promising career.