NHK's latest drama, Guraburu, premiered on the evening of October 5th, attracting significant attention and sparking numerous discussions online. Set against the backdrop of the mid-Edo period, this drama marks the 64th installment of NHK's historical series, featuring the intriguing life of Tsutaya Juzaburo, portrayed by actor Ryusei Yokohama. The show delves deep not only within the historical narrative but also highlights the grim realities faced by women during this time.
Audiences were jolted by the dramatic opening scenes which portrayed the harsh conditions of the Yoshiwara brothel district, where the character Juzaburo navigates his life as he works between serving tea and operating his lending business. On the first episode titled Arigata-yama no Sanga-ra, audiences were introduced to a plot where tragedy strikes as the character of Asa, played by Reika Aiki, suffers from illness and eventually dies, leaving the protagonist grappling with the societal issues surrounding exploitation.
Reflecting on the production, the introduction of intimacy coordinators was highlighted as groundbreaking for NHK dramas. Tomoko Asaida, recognized as Japan's first intimacy coordinator, was credited prominently during the opening credits. This role is increasingly recognized as necessary within the industry to safely manage the depiction of nude and sexual scenes, ensuring both the emotional and physical safety of the actors involved.
The creative team, including scriptwriter Yoshiko Morishita, elaborated on their commitment to portraying the era authentically without romanticizing the plight of the women present. Director Taku Oohara expressed, "We want to face the realities without any beautification, and show the life of these individuals simply as it is, reflecting their struggles and humanity. Our goal is to make this world relatable and genuine for viewers."
Despite its serious themes, the premiere featured several shocking scenes, including the portrayal of Asa's naked body after death—a bold choice aimed at highlighting the harrowing realities of the sex trade during the time. Online reactions quickly surfaced, with viewers noting the unexpected but gripping nature of the content and enthusiastically trending hashtags like #大河べらぼう (Taiga Berabou). Many expressed their astonishment at the level of depth and creativity presented, stating, "This is truly pushing the boundaries for NHK dramas!"
Not only was the premiere pulse-pounding, but the emotional narratives intertwined throughout the episode act as both entertainment and education about Japan's complex cultural history. Yokohama expressed newfound respect for the historical figures he portrays and the sincerity they brought to their craft. "This role has certainly opened my eyes to the layered lives these characters led—a blend of humor, sadness, and mystery. I hope to honor their stories as we progress through this season," he stated during promotional talks.
From its visual storytelling to its sensitive yet daring narrative choices, the show’s premiere has set high expectations for what lies ahead. The series offers both historical insight and entertainment, cultivating audience interest across diverse demographics.
These elements combined seem to establish Guraburu not just as another period drama but as a dynamic reexamination of societal issues framed within captivating storytelling, keeping viewers on their toes for the following episodes.