The popular NHK morning program, asahi, hosted by Hakata Hanamaru and Daikichi alongside announcer Nanao, aired on the 7th, featuring discussions around the latest episode of the serial drama, Omusubi. This week’s episode, the 67th, continues to draw viewers with its compelling family dynamics and drama.
Viewers were treated to scenes showcasing the conflict between Yui's mother, Aiko (played by Kumiko Aso), and Shoya's mother, Sachiko (played by Wakana Sakai). Sachiko, who arrived from Tochigi, confronts Aiko about her son’s plans to marry Yui (portrayed by Kanna Hashimoto). The tension escalates as Sachiko, infuriated by her belief Aiko is pushing her child to marry, spews veiled threats reminiscent of her past as part of the 'ladies' faction.' This sets the stage for intense family drama.
Meanwhile, the young couple is shown discussing their future together, focusing on savings for their marital home. This juxtaposition of young love against the stormy backdrop of parental expectations captures the audience's attention. During the program, Daikichi kicked off the discussion about this ‘saving strategy’ the couple has dubbed the ‘Savings Operation,’ raising eyebrows among the hosts as he questioned if their family would accept this marriage amid the brewing family feud.
Daikichi humorously probed, “The Savings Operation, is it really okay? Are folks still on board with this? The mothers seem to be at odds.” Announcer Nanao, showing concern, added, “A discussion is certainly necessary; there’s quite a bit going on.” Their commentary reflects both the pressure the couple faces and the comedy of the situation as two very different mothers vie for influence.
Adding layers to the episode’s storyline are scenes depicting Yui reuniting with classmates from her nutritionist training, reinforcing the series’ broad exploration of contemporary challenges faced by young couples. They recognize the significant expenses involved, not only for the wedding but also for their new lives together.
Daikichi remarked with more levity, “True youth is reflected here, don’t ask silly things like ‘what are you doing at the cafeteria,’” to which Nanao chuckled, “Right? Like, it’s work after all.” Their banter serves to lighten the heavy drama and emphasizes the relatable aspects of youthful romance.
Set against social issues of the era, the drama shines through its protagonist, Yui, who, as the narrative reveals, is not only learning to navigate her romantic life but also the intricacies of family dynamics amid Japan's societal transformations. Audiences have come to appreciate how the series reflects significant moments over 30 years of challenging circumstances faced by families and youths.
Developed by popular scriptwriter Nonji Nemoto, the richness of the narrative combined with Lilly Franky’s narration and B'z's original song “Illumination” continues to captivate audiences and add depth to the viewing experience.
All things considered, viewers eagerly anticipate how the Savings Operation will proceed, as well as how the family tensions will resolve, keeping them glued to their screens each morning.