With the arrival of 2025, many shoppers are curious about the operating hours of their favorite stores on New Year's Day. Various shopping centers and grocery stores across several Russian cities are adjusting their hours to accommodate both employees and consumers during this festive period.
For those planning to shop on January 1, 2025, the situation varies significantly from place to place. Some large shopping complexes, like ТРК 'Акварель' and ТРК 'Мармелад', will have limited hours or even remain closed. For example, ТРК 'Акварель' and the Ворошиловский торговый центр will not open their doors on New Year's Day, allowing employees to spend time with family. Conversely, ТРК 'Европа Сити Молл' will operate but opens later than usual, at noon.
Residents of Волгоград have expressed mixed feelings about the decision to keep some stores closed. "Я думаю, что обязательно. Разные обстоятельства у людей могут быть," shared Ирина, emphasizing the varied needs of shoppers during the holiday season. Others, such as Расма, argued for the necessity of breaks for store employees, saying, "Продавцам тоже нужно отдыхать, конечно." These sentiments reflect the broader community divide on this issue.
Meanwhile, grocery chains are also adjusting their schedules. For example, popular supermarkets like 'Лента' and 'Сигма' will open later on January 1, with 'Лента' welcoming customers starting at 10 AM and 'Сигма' at 11 AM. Most stores are expected to return to their regular schedules by January 2, resuming normal operating hours.
Such adjustments during the New Year holiday raise questions about the impact on consumers. Хенрикс Данусевич, president of the Latvian Trade Association, noted, "Для продовольствия — это немного хуже. Теряется один день годности товара," highlighting one downside of closures: perishable items may suffer from loss of shelf life. This situation complicates matters for both stores and customers as they navigate the holiday shopping period.
On the other hand, the decision to close allows for some cost savings for retailers since holiday work typically requires double pay for employees. Several employees echoed the sentiment, noting they appreciate the holiday break, and many feel it’s necessary for workplace morale. "Бедные продавцы, почему они должны рано вставать. Народ закупил и целую неделю будет есть продукты, которые приготовил," said Инга, pointing out the large quantities of food many prepare for New Year celebrations.
Throughout the holiday, specific stores like ВкусВилл will maintain different hours from typical grocery chains. On New Year's Day, ВкусВилл’s stores will operate from 11 AM to 8 PM, ensuring availability for those who may need last-minute items. Their delivery service will start operating at 10 AM, letting customers receive orders on January 1—a welcome option for those wanting to avoid the crowds.
Despite the challenges posed by limited store hours, many are learning to adapt. Customers are encouraged to check store websites and social media for updates on operational hours, as some will remain closed on the holiday. "К сожалению, никто не застрахован от погодных сюрпризов и форс-мажоров в предпраздничной суете," expressed ВкусВилл, reminding customers to be patient with potential delays.
Looking forward, most stores will resume regular operations by January 2, 2025. This return to normalcy gives shoppers peace of mind and allows employees to recover after the demanding holiday season. While the New Year remains a time of celebration, the balance between festive cheer and the operational needs of retail continues to be discussed.
Overall, the changes to store hours on New Year's Day 2025 reflect broader themes of family time, employee welfare, and consumer needs during the holiday season. Many look forward to the holiday activities and shopping opportunities offered during this festive time. Armed with information, both shoppers and retail workers can navigate the excitement of the New Year with confidence and care.