Bandung (ANTARA) - The Kementerian Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah (Kemendikdasmen) has officially inaugurated the Sistem Penerimaan Murid Baru (SPMB) for the academic year 2025/2026, implementing new rules to regulate the admission process for kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and senior high schools across Indonesia.
On March 18, 2025, Minister Mu'ti announced these changes aimed at improving educational access and equity. "Jalur penerimaan murid baru dikecualikan untuk SMK. Adapun seleksinya mempertimbangkan rapor atau prestasi atau hasil tes bakat dan minat sesuai dengan bidang keahlian dan prioritas yang menyesuaikan dengan daya tampung sekolah," (The admission pathways are excluded for SMK. As for the selection, it considers report cards, achievements, or results from talent and interest tests in accordance with fields of expertise and priorities that match the school's capacity), he stated during the announcement.
The SPMB 2025 comprises four pathways for student admissions: Zonasi (Zoning), Afirmasi (Affirmative Action), Mutasi (Mutation), and Prestasi (Achievement). However, it is important to note that these pathways do not apply to incoming students of Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), which typically focuses on vocational training.
Each pathway comes with specific requirements aimed at ensuring a fair selection process. For the Prestasi pathway, prospective students must present achievements that are recognized either by the Regional Government or curated by the Ministry. Achievements are categorized into academic and non-academic. Academic achievements include grades from the last five semesters in subjects such as science, technology, research, and innovation, whereas non-academic achievements could include experience in student organizations or accolades in arts and sports.
Students choosing the Afirmasi pathway must come from underprivileged families and possess a valid government assistance program card. This card needs to be integrated into the government's data system and cannot be replaced by other forms of health assurance or letters of incapacity.
The Mutasi pathway allows for students transferring due to their parent's work-related mandates. These candidates need to provide a letter of assignment from their parent or guardian's institution or company along with evidence of domicile transfer. Moreover, children of teachers must submit their parent's assignment letter coupled with their Family Card (Kartu Keluarga).
For applicants following the Domisili pathway, there are similar requirements. Students registering under this pathway must possess a Family Card that has been issued for at least one year preceding the registration date. Names of the parents or guardians in the Family Card need to match with other supportive documents like report cards or birth certificates.
The quotas for the SPMB 2025 have been allocated based on educational levels and pathways. For elementary schools, at least 70% of students should be admitted through the Domisili pathway, with minimal quotas of 15% under Afirmasi and 5% for Mutasi, while Prestasi is not applicable. For junior high schools, there is an allocation of at least 40% through Domisili, 20% through Afirmasi, 25% through Prestasi, and 5% through Mutasi. In senior high schools, similar distributions ensure that 30% must be admitted via Domisili, another 30% through Afirmasi, and 30% through Prestasi, with 5% through Mutasi.
The general requirements that must be met for registration in the SPMB 2025 include age limits and the completion of prior educational levels. For kindergarten under Group A, children should be between 4 to 5 years old, while Group B requires a minimum age of 5 years and a maximum of 6 years.
In order to enter the first grade of elementary school, children must turn 7 by July 1, 2025, with allowances for those who are 6 years old. Special exceptions are made for students exhibiting unique talents, who may enroll as young as 5 years and 6 months with a recommendation from a psychologist. No academic testing such as reading or arithmetic will be required for entrance into elementary school.
For junior high school, candidates must be no older than 15 on the same date, and for senior high school or vocational school, applicants cannot exceed 21 years old. They must also have completed their previous educational level, which for junior high means finishing elementary school and for senior high the completion of junior high.
It's essential for prospective students and their families to verify the specific regulations and requirements with local educational authorities or directly through their chosen school as they prepare for the registration process.
These newly established rules aim to enhance the educational landscape in Indonesia, ensuring that every student, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to access quality education tailored to their needs.