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27 February 2025

New Edutrain Program And KRL Service Boost Indonesian Tourism

Innovative train initiatives aim to combine education and cultural experiences for travelers across Java.

The expansion of tourism options via train services in Indonesia has been taking center stage as the country aims to promote its rail transport alongside spectacular local attractions. The latest initiative is the Edutrain program developed by KAI Daop 3 Cirebon, which uniquely combines education with tourism, targeting school groups and general public visitors alike.

According to Muhibbuddin, the Public Relations Manager of KAI Daop 3 Cirebon, the Edutrain program allows participants to enjoy safe and comfortable travel, especially as they learn about the railway system itself. "Melalui program ini, peserta bisa menikmati perjalanan yang aman dan nyaman sekaligus belajar tentang perkeretaapian," he explained during a recent event showcasing the program.

With participants boarding at various stations like Cirebon and Cirebon Prujakan, the program provides access to numerous prominent tourist destinations across West and Central Java, including spots like Pantai Alam Indah Tegal and Mini Taman Safari Beach Batang. Along the way, educational sessions cover train facilities, safety protocols, and even booking tickets through the Access by KAI app.

Highlighting the rising interest, schools have been particularly enthusiastic about utilizing Edutrain for educational outings. For example, on February 25, over 200 students from TK Nara Islamic School enjoyed the Mini Taman Safari Beach Batang, showcasing how this initiative is facilitating not just travel, but enriching learning experiences. The following day, another group, this time from TKIT Bina Ummah Cirebon, consisted of 320 participants taking the train to Pantai Alam Indah Tegal.

Aqila, one of the young participants from TK Nara Islamic School, shared her excitement about the program, stating, "Aku senang sekali bisa naik kereta api dan berwisata bersama bunda dan ibu guru. Pengalaman ini sangat istimewa karena naik kereta itu menyenangkan, aman, dan nyaman. Ayo teman-teman yang lain ikutan juga program Edutrain ini!" Her enthusiasm reflects the many positive experiences these outings are generating.

On another front, the KRL (KRL Commuter Line) service connecting Solo and Yogyakarta presents another engaging option for tourists. Set to launch on February 28, 2025, this train route is ideal for travelers interested in the Batik culture of Yogyakarta, providing convenient access to Pasar Beringharjo, the largest and most legendary batik fabric market. Visitors can immerse themselves not only in shopping for batik but also indulge in the local flavors offered by vendors nearby.

The comfort and affordability of the KRL service make it easy for tourists to travel between Solo and Yogyakarta, enhancing the overall experience. Travelers are encouraged to explore the vibrant streets of Malioboro, savoring traditional snacks from wedang ronde to bakpia as they navigate through the city’s enchanting atmosphere.

Travelers will find multiple time slots available throughout the day, ensuring efficient connectivity between cities. Stasiun Palur and Stasiun Solo Jebres will serve as key stops for those eager to explore the region.

With such initiatives as Edutrain and the expanded KRL services, Indonesia is paving the way for more accessible and enjoyable travel experiences through its vast railway network. The commitment from KAI to innovate continually ensures these programs will only grow, presenting even greater opportunities for the public to engage with the country’s rich cultural landscapes.

This forward momentum is not just about infrastructure improvement, but about fostering love and appreciation for train travel. Through programs aimed at both education and cultural immersion, KAI hopes to engage younger generations and nurture their travel experiences, steering them toward realizing the joy and knowledge train travel can provide.