New characters have been announced for the television anime "Chi: On Earth's Movement," with Duaraka voiced by Miyuri Shimabukuro and Schmidt by Satoshi Hino, both set to play pivotal roles as the series progresses through its third chapter. The much-anticipated 16th episode is scheduled to air on January 11, 2025, on NHK General TV at 11:45 PM.
Based on the award-winning manga by fish豊, which has captured numerous accolades including the 26th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize, the anime adaptation tells the gripping tale of individuals passionately committed to proving heliocentrism—a concept considered forbidden truth during the 15th century Europe. The main characters risk everything, even their lives, to pursue this scientific revolution, battling with societal norms and the oppressive forces of the time.
Duaraka, portrayed by Shimabukuro, is introduced as the daughter of nomads who formed a strong belief driven by her tragic past where she lost her father at young age. "I feel both admiration and fear for their beauty as they pursue the truth even at the cost of their lives," Shimabukuro expressed, shedding light on her character’s duality and complexity.
Meanwhile, Hino’s character, Schmidt, is described as the leader of the Naturist Heresy Liberation Front. He aims to resurrect the corrupted divinity of mankind and confronts the established order. According to Hino, "Schmidt believes divinity resides within natural phenomena, embodying the clash against materialistic thought," highlighting the philosophical depth the character adds to the narrative.
The newly released second promotional video presents highlights from the series, including clips set to the latest ending theme song "Hebi" by the band Yorushika. The song intertwines themes of enlightenment and awakening the human desire for truth, which resonates deeply with the plot. "The lyrics of the song reflect the struggle for knowledge and the awakening of human desire for truth," explained n-buna of Yorushika, connecting music with the show's core messages.
Set against the background of the 15th century, the story explores faith, philosophy, and the perilous quest for truth faced by its characters. Following the tragic events surrounding previous characters like Baderini, Okji, and Yolenta, who met their demise for their beliefs, the narrative fast-forwards 25 years, presenting new challenges and characters. With the introduction of Mazur, the inquisitor of the C Church opposing Schmidt's faction, the stakes have never been higher.
The 16th episode, titled "Action Begins," promises to be pivotal as it dives back deep within the intertwining fates of these characters. NHK is bringing it to audiences at the scheduled time, continuing the legacy of this culturally significant piece.
Voice actors Shimabukuro and Hino, alongside n-buna, all expressed their deep appreciation for the rich themes of the series and the historical weight of the story they are privileged to contribute to. "Witnessing past history is overwhelming, reminding us to constantly question the norm," Hino affirmed, providing insight on the anime's broader messages.
The series encourages viewers not just to indulge in its vibrant storytelling but also to reflect upon our societal truths and beliefs today. Don't miss the next installment of "Chi: On Earth's Movement," airing on January 11. Followed by episodes available for global streaming on platforms like Netflix and free viewing on ABEMA after their initial broadcast.