The anticipation surrounding the latest installment of BBC’s hit show The Apprentice reached new heights with the announcement of its 2025 candidate lineup. Premiering on January 30, 2025, this season features 18 diverse entrepreneurs who are all vying for the coveted £250,000 investment from tech tycoon Lord Sugar.
Among the candidates are not just business owners but visionaries from various industries, reflecting the show’s evolution over nearly two decades. They include Amber-Rose Badrudin, the owner of convenience store Oree Mart, who previously gained notoriety for her on-set antics; Anisa Khan, known for her Indian-Italian fusion pizza company; and many more making their entrepreneurial mark.
Lord Sugar has expressed confidence in this year's candidates, stating, "I think we find the quality of the candidates gets increasingly stronger each year," emphasizing the importance of the contenders themselves to the show's overall success.
This year’s series promises to be particularly competitive, with teams divided across varied tasks and challenges right from the start. Among the contestants, anyone could emerge as the next big business partner for Lord Sugar. The mix includes beauty and fashion entrepreneurs, tech-savvy innovators, and even motivational speakers aiming to charm both Lord Sugar and viewers alike.
First up is Amber-Rose Badrudin, who owns Oree Mart and has been building her personal brand with substantial success on social media, boasting millions of likes on TikTok. "Being part of this process has been my lifelong dream," she remarked, underscoring her ambitions as she aims to expand her business.
Anisa Khan stands out as the creator of fusion pizzas with Indian and Italian influences. "My business is small now but has immense potential, with unique concepts already proven to appeal to customers," she highlighted, demonstrating her aspirations for growth.
Then there’s Aoibheann Walsh from County Donegal, who aspires to develop her hair and beauty salon by introducing innovative products and solutions. She noted, "I have developed a unique patented utility belt for hairdressers and makeup artists, leveraging my experience to solve pressing industry problems. This investment could really propel my concept forward."
Carlo Brancati, who specializes in hair transplant consultations, aims to create a user-friendly online platform connecting patients to reputable clinics. "I believe my business plan tackles the challenges faced by patients and offers clear guidance through the stress of hair restoration," he added, illustrating his commitment to enhancing trust and transparency within the industry.
Chisola Chitambala is another contestant whose company focuses on virtual assistant services. “I want to revolutionise how entrepreneurs connect with vetted investors, cutting out tedious bank loans,” she stated, showcasing her innovative approach to business.
With diverse backgrounds, including Dean Franklin, who started his air conditioning business during the pandemic, to Emma Rothwell, whose online gift store has evolved from side hustle to success, each contestant brings unique stories and goals to the table. Dean reflects: "I can relate to many things Lord Sugar has said and done," aiming to channel his business experience when seeking collaboration.
Online gifting is also on Emma Rothwell’s radar, as she hopes to create an enhanced platform where users can contribute designs to be featured on products. “I want to encourage creators, empowering people to earn on their own terms,” she emphasized, clearly passionate about building community.
Another notable candidate is Frederick Afrifa, leveraging his past as an Italian national athlete to inspire confidence through public speaking coaching, aiming to assist professionals overcome fears and improve skills. “I’m here to show the world how resilience can be built through effective communication,” he observed.
The show promises to mix competitive tasks with personal narratives, as contestants tackle challenges starting with positioning themselves for success—selling unique experiences to tourists visiting the scenic Austrian Alps. Wanting to be proactive, they will be crafting tour packages to kick off the heated competition.
With the finale for The Apprentice 2025 approaching, viewers have much to look forward to as they witness this year's crop of aspirants tackle the trials of entrepreneurship under the watchful eye of Lord Sugar. It remains to be seen which of these ambitious candidates will rise above the competition and earn the opportunity to visually and materially transform their dreams, leaving their mark on the lucrative business world.
Whether it’s Alexandre’s measured strategy, Emma’s inspirational community drive, or Anisa’s fusion concept, there is no shortage of ambition and creativity among these aspiring entrepreneurs. The competition is fierce, and the stakes are high. Only time will reveal who will emerge victorious as Lord Sugar's next business partner.