On January 7, 2025, viewers tuned in to the latest episode of the popular German quiz show "Wer weiß denn sowas?" where rising comedy star Negah Amiri joined veteran comedian Olli Dittrich. The episode featured the duo supporting their respective teams led by Bernhard Hoëcker and Elton. Amiri, who has made waves in the comedy scene, was recently awarded the German Comedy Prize for Best Newcomer.
Negah Amiri has quickly established herself as one of Germany's brightest comedic talents. Debuting her first solo program in 2023, she captivated audiences across the country and earned accolades for her fresh, relatable humor. Her background is as inspiring as her career; Amiri's family fled from Iran to Germany, and her upbringing was buoyed by experiences of overcoming racism and bullying, themes she now explores through her comedy.
Turning her past challenges to comedic effect, Amiri started her career on social media before making her television debut with her appearance on "NightWash" in 2019. Since then, she has graced several prominent shows including the "Faisal-Kawusi-Show," "Strassenstars," and "Die Anstalt." Throughout her rapid ascent, Amiri’s performances have drawn both laughter and recognition, culminating in her winning the prestigious German Comedy Prize for Best Newcomer.
Olli Dittrich, on the other hand, is no stranger to success. Known widely for his work on "RTL Samstag Nacht" and his collective musical endeavors with Wigald Bohning as part of the duo "Die Doofen," Dittrich has built a rich and diverse career over several decades. Beyond television and music, he even took his talents to the European Song Contest (ESC) as part of the band Texas Lightning, achieving notable chart success with their entry "No No Never" which peaked at No. 1 on the German charts.
Despite his extensive resume, Dittrich continues to adapt and thrive, participating actively as one of the comedic heavyweights on "Wer weiß denn sowas?" where he partnered with his good friend Elton. His presence on the show not only entertains viewers but also lends experienced insights during the guessing games and trivia.
Throughout the episode, the chemistry between Amiri and Dittrich, representing the comedic spectrum of new and seasoned talents, was palpable. Fans of "Wer weiß denn sowas?" relish the dynamic interactions, aided by their respective team leaders, Hoëcker and Elton. Not only do these episodes serve as entertainment, but they reflect the rich diversity of German comedy and the impactful journeys of its stars.
"Wer weiß denn sowas?" has become increasingly popular, being broadcasted from Monday to Friday at 18:00 on ARD. For those who miss the live broadcasts, episodes are available for one month on the ARD Mediathek, ensuring fans don't miss out on the fun and laughter.
With fresh talent like Negah Amiri and seasoned stalwarts like Olli Dittrich, the comedy scene in Germany is more vibrant than ever. Viewers can look forward to more engaging and entertaining episodes, offering not just laughs but insights from the diverse life experiences of its guests.