Nagano Mei and Kyouka Kiso's collaborative film, Hataraku Saibou (Cells at Work), had its highly anticipated premiere on December 25, 2024, at Grand Cinema Sunshine Ikebukuro. This festive screening attracted fans eager to see the dynamic pairing of the two popular actors. The movie, which has gained attention for its vibrant animation and educational themes, was showcased in its 4DX format, enhancing the immersive experience for viewers.
The special event featured Nagano and Kiso surprising the audience by attending the screening, generating excitement among fans who had not expected to see their favorite stars. "Merry Christmas! We were actually watching with you from the back, and it was thrilling to see the audience's energy!" Nagano exclaimed. Kiso added, "How did you enjoy the 4DX experience?" prompting the audience to reply with enthusiastic shouts of approval.
This surprise appearance was not only to celebrate the film’s release but also to express their gratitude for the support from fans. Nagano emphasized, "This wonderful day remains one of my favorites of the year!" The duo encouraged those who hadn’t seen the film yet, calling on them to catch it during its theatrical run.
During the event, the stars unveiled some behind-the-scenes insights, sharing how they prepared for their roles and the collaborative atmosphere on set. "We had so much fun filming together," Kiso shared, recalling their time working closely with the cast and crew.
Fans also had the opportunity to ask questions, which allowed for moments of lighthearted interaction. One child dressed as a white blood cell asked Kiso about her favorite food, to which she replied with delight, sharing her fondness for broccoli and potatoes—much to the audience’s amusement.
The stars also reflected on their recent memorable experiences, such as their fun outing prior to the premiere, where they played arcade games and took cute purikura (photo booth pictures) together. Nagano revealed, "We played UFO catchers and took pictures, which turned out really great!" Fans quickly expressed how excited they were to see these moments shared publicly.
The unique 4DX viewing experience, featuring moving seats and sensory effects like water sprays and scents to match on-screen action, has been particularly well-received. Audience members expressed their enjoyment of being transported directly inside the narrative, feeling every action as it occurred. Kiso noted, "The special effects were incredibly engaging, especially during the exciting sequences involving red and white blood cells!"
Nagano and Kiso’s strong camaraderie extended beyond the film and premiere event. Their playful banter throughout the Q&A session reflected their long-standing friendship and rapport, enhancing the fans' enjoyment of the event.
"I look forward to seeing more works together; our chemistry is undeniable!" commented another fan, encapsulating the sentiments of many present. The two actors seemed to be equally pleased with the audience's reactions, which spurred them on to continue working together whenever possible.
The film's positive response continues to grow, and its release has sparked various discussions within fan circles about character representations and storytelling methods. Both Nagano and Kiso have become prominent figures supporting the film’s message and its educational underpinnings.
For those who missed the premiere and the surprise appearances, the film will be showing across various cinema formats, including 2D, 3D, and the widely popular IMAX. The duo also urged moviegoers to spread the word about it. "Thank you for all your support! We appreciate everyone coming out to enjoy our film on this special day!" said Nagano.
Overall, the event marked not just the launch of the film but also highlighted the stars’ commitment to engaging with their audience—making the premiere feel more like a celebration than just another film release. Audience members left the theater with smiles, arms filled with promotional goodies, and memories of the day etched firmly in their minds.