Muro Tsuyoshi, the well-known Japanese actor, recently took center stage at the promotional event for the film "Under Ninja," held on January 6, 2025, where he joyfully congratulated his fellow actress, Ito Sairi, on her recent marriage announcement. Despite the festive atmosphere, Muro shared insights about the close relationships within their circle, leaving attendees both entertained and touched by his sincerity.
This announcement celebrated by Muro came just days after Ito revealed her marriage on January 4. The news was met with surprise, as Muro explained how he learned of Ito’s nuptials through her phone call. "I received the call saying 'I got married' from Ito Sairi. I didn't have any time to think about my own New Year's resolutions," Muro revealed, which got everyone laughing.
Adding to the amusement was Muro's surprise at discovering who Ito's partner is, noting, "The remarkable part was the husband is someone I've known for 20 years." The groom's identity reflects the tight-knit bonds shared among Muro, Ito, and their friends, showcasing kindred ties.
With the new year underway, Muro also shared his intentions for 2025. With laughter echoing throughout the venue, he expressed, "I want to support Ito Sairi this year." His commitment to lifting his friend's spirits highlighted the camaraderie celebrated among cast members, underlining the support and love they share.
Yet, not all was serious. Fukuda Yuichi, the film's director, humorously chimed in, "If you don't marry soon, you'll die alone!" aiming to poke fun at Muro’s longstanding bachelor status. To this, Muro laughed and quipped, "I won’t die alone! I have everyone around me." His adamance not to succumb to societal pressures brought more joy to the gathering.
"Congratulations, Sairi!" Muro shouted at the end of his remarks, adding his personal touch to the celebration, which was warmly received by the cast and crew gathered alongside him, including star Yamazaki Kento, actress Hamabe Minami, and other notable industry figures.
This lighthearted yet affectionate exchange between colleagues serves as a reminder of the strong relationships within the entertainment industry, often built on shared experiences, mutual support, and enduring friendship. Muro’s affirmation to focus on his friends rather than succumb to pressures to settle down himself resonates with many, highlighting the value of pursuing personal happiness over social expectations.
The event continues to celebrate Muro's role in the film "Under Ninja," which promises to showcase innovative action and comedy, and is set for release shortly. Directed by Fukuda Yuichi, the film is based on the manga by Kengo Hanazawa, which redefines the concept of ninjas within the modern world.
Fans can eagerly await both Muro’s upcoming film and the joyous union of Ito and her newlywed, as the industry bids farewell to 2024, ushering in bright prospects for 2025.