On Wednesday morning, fires broke out simultaneously at garage operations located on the borders of Koblenz and Klingnau, Switzerland, prompting swift action from emergency services.
The fire at Klingnau started early, around 7 AM, as fire brigades from Döttingen-Klingnau-Koblenz were dispatched with substantial resources to manage the flames. Marco Roduner, the spokesperson for the regional police Aargau, reported the quick response, stating, "Die Feuerwehr Döttingen-Klingnau-Koblenz sei gegen 7 Uhr morgens mit einem Grossaufgebot ausgerückt."
The fire quickly came under control, thanks to the efficient efforts of local firefighters and the support of several patrols from the Zurzibiet regional police and the Aargau cantonal police.
Fortunately, there were no injuries reported due to the fire. Residents from the adjacent family home managed to react quickly, ensuring their safety and evacuations occurred effectively. A statement from the Aargau police confirmed, "Verletzt wurde bei dem Brand niemand."
Investigations suggested the fire was primarily sparked by technical defects associated with high-pressure cleaners used within the garage operations. Experts from the Aargau police are working diligently to clarify the precise circumstances surrounding the incident.
Notably, the nearby railway line running between Klingnau and Koblenz was unaffected by the blaze, indicating effective management of the situation.
Authorities remain on alert as the investigation continues, ensuring the community can return to normalcy with their safety measures intact.