Monster Strike, the popular mobile action RPG developed by MIXI, is set to launch its third collaboration event with the beloved anime series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure on January 11, 2025. This exciting event will introduce characters from the fifth part of the series, Golden Wind, including Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Bucciarati, Guido Mista, Narancia Ghirga, and Leone Abbacchio. Fans are understandably thrilled at the prospect of seeing their favorite characters come to life within the Monster Strike universe.
According to reports, the collaboration will begin at noon on January 11 and run until 11:59 AM on February 2. During this period, players can participate in limited-time gacha pulls featuring the aforementioned characters. Among them, the powerful Giorno and Bucciarati will be available for players eager to strengthen their rosters with high-level characters.
What sets this collaboration apart is the inclusion of various special quests where characters like Risotto Nero, Formaggio, Illuso, Prosciutto & Pesci, Melone, and Ghiaccio will appear, making for thrilling gameplay opportunities. Players can expect to experience the intense dynamics and unique abilities of these characters, enhancing their gaming experience.
To celebrate the collaboration, players can purchase the "Collaboration Starter Pack," which includes the character Pannacotta Fugo, whose special abilities will be valuable during quests. Players can also earn rewards such as Trish Una from missions related to the collaboration or through daily logins.
Featuring exclusive visuals and themed events, this collaboration is expected to draw players back to the game. The events and quests from the first two collaboration installments—Stone Ocean and Stardust Crusaders—will also make a comeback, with characters like Jotaro Kujo SC, Noriaki Kakyoin, and Jean Pierre Polnareff receiving upgraded forms.
Engaging the community even more, MIXI has launched special campaigns via their official social media channels to celebrate this event. A lucky draw will allow fans to win original pin badge sets and wallpapers by participating through social media posts, with 510 total prizes available. Fans can take part from January 11 to January 14, making this not just about gameplay but also about enhancing fan interaction.
For those eager to get involved, the period from January 11 to 14 is particularly special, as players can participate in daily missions and earn exclusive items and characters. The unique mechanics of Monster Strike, which include collaborating with friends for multi-player matchups, add to the excitement, inviting players to strategize and team up as they tackle special collaboration quests.
Throughout the event, players will notice a heightened difficulty as they navigate through various challenges, requiring them to use effective strategies and summon their best teams. The anticipation is palpable, as fans of both Monster Strike and JoJo are thrilled at the crossover. Players are encouraging each other to rally and support one another through the game’s social channels.
The collaboration event will officially kick off on January 11, 2025, at 12:00 PM Japan time, providing fans ample time to prepare for what is expected to be one of the highlights of the gaming calendar. Players interested in this event should stay tuned for additional announcements from MIXI, as there may be more surprises and announcements leading up to and during the event.
This collaboration not only brings together two iconic franchises but also fosters community spirit and excitement among gamers and anime fans alike. The blending of storytelling and gaming mechanics ensures both newcomers and long-time fans will find something to enjoy as they immerse themselves in the vibrant world created by Araki Hirohiko's beloved series.