Momoko Gumi Company, known for her vibrant performances as part of the now-defunct girl group BiSH, recently stirred conversations during her appearance on the January 28, 2025, episode of the Nippon Television program 'Odoru! Sanma Goten'. The show, which focused on prominent individuals who have successfully navigated the educational system, showcased Momoko's unique insights stemming from her experiences with English education.
During the episode, Momoko revealed her noteworthy achievement of placing third nationally during her junior high school's mock English exams. While this accomplishment might suggest proficiency, Momoko candidly expressed her regret over the nature of her English studies, acknowledging they were heavily focused on what she termed ``exam-oriented English.'' She elaborated, "I did something like exam-oriented English. I was ranked third place in the national mock exams when I was in junior high. But I couldn’t understand what my friends were saying. I wish I had learned with native pronunciation instead," insightfully indicating her struggles with conversational English.
Momoko's educational background played a significant role in shaping her experience. She graduated from the prestigious International Christian University (ICU) high school, known for its academically rigorous environment and the diversity of its student body—many of whom are returnees, fluent in English due to their upbringing abroad. Reflecting on this aspect, she noted, "I was surrounded by classmates who could converse more confidently as they had been conversing fluently since childhood. While I excelled in exams, I found it increasingly difficult to engage meaningfully with my peers on the same level. I need to relearn English through more practical, everyday situations rather than just through classroom success."
Her remarks struck a chord, especially as they resonate with many students grappling with the pressures of examination success versus authentic communication skills. The disconnect is not uncommon; numerous students find themselves excelling academically yet struggling to express themselves fluently or understand natural spoken language. Recent discussions surrounding educational practices have highlighted the importance of redesigning English language curriculums to integrate speaking and listening skills alongside reading and writing.
Momoko’s experience exposes the shift needed within educational approaches, particularly for young learners aiming for excellence in both academic assessments and real-world communication. Although her achievements are commendable, they also provide invaluable lessons for current and future students.
Consideration of her insights reveals the urgent need to pursue programs focusing on holistic language acquisition, which fosters both grammatical knowledge and practical conversational abilities. Her experiences serve as both inspiration and cautionary tales for students preparing to face future examinations and the realities of English conversations.
Momoko Gumi Company's impactful reflections remind us all of the important balance between securing grades and ensuring genuine mastery of language skills—skills with the potential to connect us beyond the classroom. With such testimonies becoming more common, educational sectors are now prompted to reassess teaching methodologies to cultivate not just proficient test-takers but adept communicators as well.