The excitement is building for the upcoming "8th Momoiro Clover Z Song Battle - New Year's Eve of Love," set to take place at Nippon Budokan on December 31, 2024. This annual event, hosted by the popular idol group Momoiro Clover Z (often abbreviated as Momoclo), has been delighting fans since its inception in 2017, marking the end of the year with music and celebration.
This year, the event has shifted from its traditional countdown format and is scheduled to start at 2 PM and conclude at 7 PM. The lineup is impressive, including various renowned artists and groups who are set to compete, also categorized as "Red Team" and "White Team." The announcement of the second wave of performers has led to even more buzz surrounding the event.
Among the notable new entries announced recently are the idol group CUTIE STREET, and vocalists like HYDE, Miona Hori, and former Juice=Juice member Karin Miyamoto, all of whom will join other artists such as the lively Super Tokimeki♡Announcement Club. This year’s event promises to be full of energy with over 100 idols participating in one of the event's highlighted sections, the "Ayaka Sasaki-produced Nonstop 'Love' Idol Medley 2024," gathering for one night of unmissable performances.
Additions to the programming this year also include new corners such as "Let's Give High Takagi's Aftermatch Another Go" featuring Reni Takagi, and "After Tears, Laughter Comes - An Anthem for Our Loved Ones 2024"—a section featuring unique collaborations which have never been seen before. This is sure to be spectacular!
Fans will have the opportunity to watch the entire event for free, live on ABEMA. Beginning at 2 PM, the event will be streamed uncut, with highlights like the honorary chairman Hiroshi Itsuki making his special appearance to commence the celebration. ABEMA has confirmed they will also host the countdown program titled "8th Momoiro Clover Z Song Battle - Countdown to Love" beginning at 11:45 PM, ensuring fans can celebrate both the performance and the new year.
Comments from participants have already started to surface, with HYDE expressing enthusiasm for finally being able to perform live this year, stating, "It is my honor to be able to participate live!" Miona Hori, appearing for the first time, shared her excitement about joining such a vibrant event at year’s end, stating, "I feel so happy to spend this lively New Year’s Eve with so many people!"
Other performers include former group members and fan favorites like Yukari Kashiwagi and newcomers to the lineup, signaling how varied and inclusive the show will be.
To attend the event live at Nippon Budokan, tickets will be available to the public from December 19, 2024. Due to high demand, sales will be on a first-come, first-served basis, so fans are advised to secure their tickets as soon as they are released.
The 8th Momoiro Clover Z Song Battle is not just another concert; it's set to be a vibrant celebration, combining beloved music with festive fun, ensuring it's not just the end of the year but also the promise of new beginnings as we step boldly and joyously beyond 2024.