Today : Mar 04, 2025
03 March 2025

Moldova And Romania Push For Unified Educational Materials

AUR advocates for common textbooks to strengthen cultural ties and education reform

The Alianţa pentru Unirea Românilor (AUR) has reaffirmed its commitment to strengthen cultural and educational unity between Romania and the Republic of Moldova by promoting the use of common school textbooks for the subjects of Romanian Language and History. AUR Deputy Valeriu Munteanu, who serves as the party's vice-president, has emphasized the urgent need to harmonize the educational systems of the two Romanian states. His aim is to allow students across both banks of the Prut River to learn from the same textbooks, reflecting historical truth and Romanian national identity.

Valeriu Munteanu stated, "Education should be the glue of Romanian unity," highlighting the belief among AUR members of education's fundamental role in preserving and promoting Romanian identity. This political stance seeks to address the long-standing educational disparities between Romania and Moldova, which, though sharing language and cultural ties, have distinct educational curricula.

To drive this initiative forward, Munteanu has requested answers from Romania's Ministry of Education to several key questions: What measures have been taken to promote and implement unified school textbooks for Romanian Language and History across both countries? Are there any bilateral initiatives or agreements aimed at harmonizing the school curricula? What strategies are being outlined for the future introduction of these common textbooks? Lastly, what collaborations exist between the two countries' ministries of education to unify teaching materials as well as promote a shared vision of Romanian history and culture?

The AUR party posits the integration of educational content as necessary for nurturing a shared identity, arguing it reflects the cultural heritage and historical legacies both nations should jointly uphold. Given their common history, language, and culture, the use of unified textbooks is seen as a seamless progression toward enhancing the ties between Romania and Moldova.

Such initiatives come amid broader discussions concerning educational reform aimed at improving student outcomes, cultural exchanges, and international collaboration. By focusing on the foundational subject areas of history and language, the AUR hopes to facilitate discussions and implement changes conducive to fostering stronger educational links.

Meanwhile, students from various educational backgrounds, including those studying in minority languages, prepare for their upcoming ‘Evaluarea Națională’ (National Assessment) examinations, which are scheduled to occur shortly after the proposed changes. Specifically, eighth-grade students will sit for their assessments beginning March 17, 2025. The series commences with the Romanian Language and Literature test, followed by Mathematics and the language of instruction for minority students.

Following the schedule set by the Ministry of Education, assessments will outline the foundational knowledge expected from students and aid educators in identifying areas requiring focus and development. Educational authorities express the importance of adhering to strict guidelines during these simulations, which serve not only to assess individual performance but also to prepare students for the final evaluations set for June 2025.

Students must arrive at their respective testing venues by 8:30 AM without any unauthorized materials. They will be permitted to leave the exam venue after one hour has passed, mirroring the structure of previous years' evaluations. Results from these trials will not be recorded for official grading without student requests but are anticipated to provide informative discussions between students and teachers for improved preparedness.

The proposed initiatives, alongside the rigorous testing schedule, signify the Republic of Moldova and Romania's intertwined educational narratives, calling for integrated approaches to curriculum development and fostering cultural solidarity through education.

AUR pledges to continue advocating for the unity of Romanians divided by the Prut River and will expend efforts to align educational standards across borders, thereby realizing the vision of educational policies reflective of historical truth and shared national values.