The upcoming movie Sunset Sunrise, set to be released on January 17, 2025, features the acclaimed actor Shohei Miura, under the direction of Yosuke Kishin and the screenplay by Kankuro Kudo. This film brings to life the story of Shinsaku Nishio, a fisherman-like employee who moves from Tokyo to Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture, and explores themes around social issues pertaining to rural Japan amid the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Following its exciting storyline, the promotional activities for Sunset Sunrise have begun to capture attention. These activities showcase character dynamics and highlight local Tohoku cuisine, aiming to connect audiences with both the characters and the rich culture of the region. According to Shohei Miura, "We are excited about the film's comedic portrayal of life during the pandemic and our character interactions, which embody the kindness and resilience of Japanese people," as reported by Cinema Today.
The promotional videos released include segments focusing on entertaining character interactions, particularly emphasizing Nishio's humorous challenges adjusting to rural life and the quirks of the local residents. One of these segments shows how Nishio brags about his new life during virtual meetings with his former colleagues based in Tokyo, reflecting both humor and challenges arising from adapting to his new environment.
There’s also the culinary showcase where various splendid Tohoku dishes are presented, allowing audiences to connect psychologically and culturally with the film through its food. Miura’s character showcases dishes unique to the Tohoku region, illustrating the depth of local flavors and the hospitality intrinsic to rural Japanese life. One standout moment is where he is depicted savoring a dish called doko jiru, which features local fish – truly bringing forth the spirit of the setting.
While speaking about the production, director Yosuke Kishin mentioned, "I was emotional seeing the humor and charm woven throughout the film's narrative," indicating how the film encapsulates both laughs and thought-provoking moments, reflecting current societal states.
The film's narrative raises important discussions concerning migration and the revitalization of rural areas requiring resilience and adaptability, especially as it draws parallels to real-life experiences of many Japanese during the pandemic. Sunset Sunrise aims not only to entertain but also to showcase the importance of human connections, community spirit, and culinary appreciation.
With anticipation building as the release date nears, fans and newcomers alike can look forward to experiencing the delightful comedic story set against the beautiful landscapes of Tohoku, promising both heartfelt moments and laughter through the unique adventures of Shinsaku Nishio and the colorful town of Minamisanriku.