Mike Schur, the acclaimed creator of popular comedy series like Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and The Good Place, isn’t shy about sharing his thoughts on the infamous parody sketch of The Office aired on Saturday Night Live (SNL) back in 2008. Schur, who previously worked as a writer for SNL, found himself feeling more than just nostalgic when the segment titled The Japanese Office aired featuring comedy stalwarts Steve Carell and Ricky Gervais.
The digital short was introduced by Gervais, the original creator of the Office, who quipped about how the British version was based on the so-called Japanese installment of the show. The short featured Carell, along with SNL cast members Bill Hader, Jason Sudeikis, and Kristen Wiig, who humorously spoke Japanese and embraced stereotypical elements of Japanese culture without providing subtitles.
During his appearance on The Lonely Island and Seth Meyers Podcast, Schur candidly expressed his discomfort, stating, "I worked at SNL, but you still feel like SNL at some point at some level is an arbiter of what matters in the culture. And when [Carell] did The Japanese Office, I remembered being a little bit rankled.” He articulated his concern over the sketch's premise, noting, "It didn’t scratch the itch of reflecting [‘The Office’] in the way I was hoping the show would be reflected somehow."
For Schur, the parody missed the mark, with him recalling, “It’s like, ‘They stole the show from me, but I stole it from the Japanese version,’ but then all the actors in the Japanese version are white people. It sort of didn’t track to me somehow.” His frustration stems not only from the cultural insensitivity he perceived but also from the lack of authenticity represented within the sketch.
Although the digital short has racked up over 17 million views on YouTube, its humorous execution raised eyebrows, particularly when Gervais ended the sketch with the punchline, “It’s funny ‘cause it’s racist.” Many found the punchline problematic and insensitive, particularly against the backdrop of the cultural appropriation conversations being more prominent today.
Looking back, Schur offers insight by contrasting this parody with Rainn Wilson’s successful hosting gig on SNL the year before. Wilson, who starred alongside Carell on The Office, delivered an opening monologue filled with astute observations about the differences between the two comedic formats, expressing admiration by saying, “I was like, ‘They’re nailing this. Everyone’s nailing it.’” Such commentary highlights how successful portrayals can be when they authentically reflect the source material.
On the logistical side, director Akiva Schaffer spoke about his concerns over the casting choices and the sensitive nature of the humor involved. Schaffer revealed, “I would just keep looking to [co-writer] Marika Sawyer and go, ‘Okay, I’m here to bring your dreams to life,’” emphasizing the collaborative nature of SNL, particularly with individuals like Sawyer, who is Japanese American and played a pivotal role shaping the sketch.
Despite Schur’s critiques, the legacy of The Japanese Office cannot be underplayed. It remains part of the conversation about comedy, representation, and cultural sensitivity, reflecting the shifting dynamics within entertainment. While the short may stir up mixed feelings among its creators, it undeniably served as a catalyst for exploring these important discussions.
Schur's evaluation exposes not only his commitment to authenticity but also serves as a reminder of the responsibility comedians hold when delivering their craft. The memory of ‘The Japanese Office’ invites creators to reflect on how they portray cultures outside their own, particularly when they spotlight beloved characters and narratives.