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Arts & Culture
25 March 2025

Miguel Bosé Honors Lucía Bosé On Fifth Anniversary Of Her Death

In a heartfelt public letter, Miguel Bosé reflects on his mother's enduring presence and family legacy.

On March 23, 2025, Miguel Bosé marked the fifth anniversary of his mother, Lucía Bosé's, death with a heartfelt public letter shared on social media. Lucía Bosé, the renowned Italian actress and model, passed away at the age of 89 in the Hospital General de Segovia after battling severe pneumonia, a culmination of her declining health over the years.

Confirming the tragic news, Miguel Bosé, now 68 years old, took to Twitter saying, "Queridos amig@s, os comunico que mi madre Lucía Bosé acaba de fallecer. Ya está en el mejor de los sitios," (Dear friends, I announce that my mother Lucía Bosé has just passed away. She is now in the best of places).

Five years later, the singer poured out his feelings in a touching letter dedicated to his late mother. “Querida mami. Hoy se cumplen 5 años desde que te fuiste y aún tu presencia llena el aire. Lo llena todo. A veces de manera casi insoportable,” (Dear mommy. Today marks five years since you left, and still your presence fills the air. It fills everything. Sometimes in an almost unbearable way) he expressed, reflecting his deep sense of loss and longing.

He further conveyed how time has passed since her departure, noting his family life, saying, “Sigo bien, las cosas han vuelto a la normalidad casi por completo, pero queda aún mucho por camino que recorrer, mucho trabajo pendiente, atrasado” (I am fine, things have almost returned to normal, but there is still much road to travel, much work overdue). His twins from a surrogacy arrangement, Diego and Tadeo, are approaching 14 years old and have expressed their ambition to pursue higher education. “Tus nietos siguen creciendo. Ya son chicos que me alcanzaron en altura” (Your grandchildren keep growing. They are now boys that have reached my height), he reminisced lovingly of his sons.

"El tiempo voló. Te echo/echamos de menos, muchísimo pero sabemos que sigues vigilándonos a todos de cerca” (Time flew. I miss you/We miss you so much, but we know that you keep watching over all of us closely), he added, reveling in the affection he continues to feel for her. He concluded with a sweet note, “Hoy pensaremos en ti, te regalaremos palabras, recuerdos y muchas flores. Cuídate. Te queremos cada día más. Un beso de parte de todos. Bendiciones" (Today we will think of you, we will give you words, memories, and many flowers. Take care. We love you more each day. A kiss from all of us. Blessings), including a blue heart emoji that represented her memory.

Following his poignant note, numerous celebrities also took the time to honor Lucía Bosé, with many sharing their fond memories of her. Notable figures like Cristina Cifuentes remarked, “Que suerte tuve de conocerla. Mujer extraordinaria, igual que su hijo” (How lucky I was to know her. An extraordinary woman, just like her son), and Poty Castillo added, “Maravillosa y eterna Lucía Bosé” (Wonderful and eternal Lucía Bosé), demonstrating the warmth she cultivated in her life.

Born in Milan in 1931, Lucía Bosé was celebrated not only for her film and television work but also for her remarkable marriages. She was notably married to the famous bullfighter Luis Miguel Dominguín, with whom she had a notable connection and two ceremonious weddings: the first in Las Vegas in March 1955, and a second a few months later on October 16, 1955, in Saelices, Spain, surrounded by family traditions.

Lucía was the proud mother of three children: Miguel Bosé (born April 3, 1956), Lucía Dominguín (born August 19, 1957), and Paola Dominguín (born November 5, 1960), who each carried on the family legacy. Furthermore, her legacy extends beyond her immediate children to ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, continuing her influence in the family. Among her grandchildren was Bimba Bosé, who sadly passed away in 2017, leaving behind two daughters, Dora, born in 2004, and June, born in 2011.

As the anniversary of Lucía Bosé's passing arrives, the emotions and memories held by her family and friends highlight not only the life she lived but also the deep love she imparted and the enduring legacy she leaves behind.