On January 17, the 18th episode of the popular travel show, 'Zawatsuku! Rosensen Bus de Yoridori no Tabi,' aired featuring Mieko Harada and MEGUMI, making their first appearance on the program. Hosted by Kazushige Nagashima and Shigeo Takahashi, the episode brings together regular guests Daisuke Miyagawa and Eiji Wentz for another luxurious exploration of Tokyo.
The adventure began as the cast boarded the bus from Shibuya and headed to Yoyogi Park, where both Harada and Wentz had lived previously. This scenic stop was the first taste of their exciting day. The show didn't hold back on the culinary front, taking the guests to one of Wentz's favorite curry shops, where they sampled unique dishes blending Indian curry with traditional Japanese flavors like dashi and amazake. The blend seemed to delight the group, who indulged their taste buds with different curry varieties.
After enjoying the spiced comfort of the curry dishes, they continued their culinary tour, stopping at the mochi dessert shop recommended by Wentz. Here, they encountered the much-talked-about 'fresh Daifuku,' which boasted a remarkably short shelf-life of only five hours. The guests marveled at its light texture and unbeatable taste, with exclamations of surprise echoing around the group. "I can't believe how amazing this sweet is," Harada exclaimed.
The next venture took them to the only National Treasure building within the 23 wards of Tokyo—the Akasaka Palace. This prestigious site allowed the group to access areas not usually open to the public. The atmosphere awed everyone as they stepped inside, prompting reactions like, "It’s beautiful and feels like we’ve come abroad!" The grand architecture and royal vibes surely made the visit one for the books.
Wrapping up their day, the group arrived at the Tokyo Station Hotel, known for its rich history of over 100 years. The hosts and guests had the rare opportunity to tour the luxurious suites typically reserved for high-profile guests. Harada's excitement was palpable as she explored the stunning room. Nagashima, on the other hand, found himself yielding to Harada's exuberance, clearly charmed by her enthusiasm.
The culinary delights and breathtaking locations wrapped up their tour of Tokyo, capped by dinner at a high-end French restaurant overlooking Tokyo's dazzling nighttime skyline. The group’s jubilant expressions captured the essence of camaraderie and fun throughout the day.
This episode of 'Zawatsuku! Rosensen Bus de Yoridori no Tabi' not only offered viewers stunning views and delicious food but also showcased how friendships can flourish, even amid the busyness of life. Harada's reflection on their previous closeness humorously reminded audiences, "We used to be close, but we've drifted apart at times." Still, this episode adeptly displays how new adventures can reignite bonds, setting the stage for more exciting escapades.