Today : Feb 27, 2025
Arts & Culture
27 February 2025

Mery Spolsky Considers Stepping Into Eurovision Spotlight

The Polish artist prepares a unique project for next year's competition with her signature flair.

Mery Spolsky, one of the most original artists on the Polish music scene, is now considering her participation in the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest. Known for her eclectic style and remarkable works like "Miło Było Pana Poznać" and "EROTIK ERA", Spolsky disclosed to Interia Muzyce her plans to submit a project for next year's competition, stating, "Szykuję pewien projekt, który pasuje, aby tam zamieszać" (I'm preparing a project that's suitable to stir things up there).

Until recently, Spolsky believed Eurovision wasn't for her. "Wydawało mi się, że to nie jest dla mnie," she mentioned, noting her shift occurred after witnessing Tommy Cash's performance of "Espresso Macciato." The artist remarked, "Myślałam, że [Eurowizja] nie jest dla mnie, ale odkąd Tommy Cash się zgłosił... to pomyślałam, że może jest to czas, żeby spróbować" (I thought [Eurovision] was not for me, but since Tommy Cash submitted... I thought maybe this is the time to try).

Spolsky's perspective on Eurovision has evolved with its changing atmosphere. She appreciates the shift from political undertones to more musical embraces, seeing it as the perfect opportunity to take part. "Teraz jest idealny moment na spróbowanie swoich sił" (Now is the perfect moment to try my hand), Spolsky added.

During her talk, she humorously addressed the competitive spirit of the contest, jokingly telling Ralph Kaminski he might need to change his name to Kowalski to face off fairly. This light-heartedness was complemented by her endorsement of Justyna Steczkowska, who will represent Poland with her song "Gaja" at the 69th Eurovision Song Contest. Despite acknowledging Steczkowska's vocal prowess and the song's strengths, Spolsky admitted, "To nie jest mój styl" (That's not my style). She shared her preference for something more unconventional, aligning her taste with memorable Eurovision acts like Verka Serduchka and Tommy Cash, known for their outrageous flair.

"Mój styl na Eurowizję to byłaby Verka Serduchka, teraz właśnie Tommy Cash - lubię coś zwariowanego" (My style for Eurovision would be Verka Serduchka, now definitely Tommy Cash – I like something crazy), Spolsky explained, emphasizing her desire to stand apart from the typical competing styles. She expressed her enthusiasm for the outrageous, unique elements she wants to incorporate.

Interestingly, Spolsky also floated the idea of submitting her song "Technosmutek," from her album "Dekalog Spolsky," as part of her entry. She insisted, "Smutek idealnie reprezentuje stan Polaków" (Sadness perfectly reflects the state of the Polish people). The song’s themes resonate with many, as she noted, "mój też, bo my kochamy narzekać, kochamy się smucić, ale to jest nasza piękna cecha" (mine too, because we love to complain, we love to be sad, but it is our beautiful characteristic).

With Eurovision rapidly approaching and artists like Spolsky contemplating their participation, the anticipation builds. Her innovative ideas and distinctive approach could add fresh energy to the competition, and if her plans come to fruition, it could open doors for more diverse representations and styles. So, as Mery Spolsky prepares to potentially step onto the Eurovision stage, fans eagerly wait for her next move.