McDonald's has officially announced its first-ever collaboration with the legendary anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion, coinciding with the show's landmark 30th anniversary. This much-anticipated campaign kicks off on January 20, 2025, with the release of the "McDonald's x Evangelion Value Set Figures." These unique figures will transform the fast-food chain's iconic items, appealing to both anime enthusiasts and McDonald's fans alike.
Beginning December 19, 2024, consumers can enter for the chance to purchase this limited edition set via the McDonald's app. The figures feature remarkable transformations with McDonald's favorites: the Big Mac will transforminto the respectable EVA Unit-01, French fries become EVA Unit-02, and the milkshake morphs to EVA Unit-00. All of these delightful figures will be available as part of one exclusive set, priced at 3,900 yen including tax.
Rather than being simply about food and toys, this collaboration also taps deep nostalgia. Since its debut, Neon Genesis Evangelion has captivated audiences, becoming not just a show, but a cultural phenomenon. The series, created by Hideaki Anno, first aired back on October 1995. With powerful themes and complex characters, it left its mark during Japan's third anime boom. Today, fans across generations eagerly celebrate its legacy.
To heighten expectations, this campaign includes the debut of the first TV commercial (TVCM) airing on December 24, 2024. The ad showcases characters Rei, Shinji, and Asuka reacting with surprise to the imaginative “Universal McDonald's-type transforming robot.” Familiar voices will echo through the TVCM, with lines mimicking recognizable dialogue from the anime, enhancing the nostalgic experience for fans of the series.
The registration period for this pre-sale will run until January 10, 2025, at 11:59 PM. After the draw occurs, those lucky enough to be selected will have from January 20, 2025, to January 26, 2025, to purchase the figures at designated McDonald's locations during store hours, with specific times varying for 24-hour locations.
Fans are excited about the overall presentation. The figures come packaged to mimic their delicious food states, boasting dimensions of 37 cm wide, 14 cm deep, and 17 cm high. This adds both aesthetic appeal and quality to the figures, setting them apart from standard toys on the market.
Looking forward, McDonald's plans to expand upon this creative collaboration. A second wave, which promises to embody the world of Neon Genesis Evangelion through flavor and deliciousness, is set to be unveiled on December 26, 2024, hinting at more surprises around the corner.
Such innovative campaigns reflect McDonald's strategic efforts to engage with devoted fan bases across various franchises, aligning with consumer trends and tastes. This collaboration with Neon Genesis Evangelion distinctly carves out McDonald's niche not just as a restaurant, but as part of contemporary pop culture.
With energetic marketing blended with the inevitably rich nostalgia surrounding Neon Genesis Evangelion, this newly minted collaboration promises to resonate deeply with fans and collectors alike. It’s not just about food—it's about sharing beloved fandoms through creative and enjoyable merchandise. Fans are already buzzing with excitement over the upcoming launch.