On December 22, the highly anticipated "M-1 Grand Prix 2024" aired live on ABC and TV-Asahi, culminating with Mayumi’s victory in the Revival Match at Shinjuku Sumitomo Building’s triangular plaza. The match showcased 21 comedy duos who had been eliminated from the semifinals, competing for the last slot in the finals.
The Revival Match divided the contestants across three blocks named A, B, and C, with seven teams each. The audience was responsible for voting and determining which act from each block would advance. A total of 500 randomly selected audience members acted as judges, delivering their verdicts after each performance followed the structure of "Match 1 vs Match 2" until winners from each block were decided.
For block A, Kin'gyo Bancho triumphed, impressing the audience with their witty skits involving clever wordplay. They overcame powerhouses like Danbiramucho, who had reached the finals the previous year, along with the experienced KaBe Poster.
Block B saw Mayumi, part of Yoshimoto Kogyo, claim victory between their performances, defeating notable pairs like Family Chahan and Male Blancho. Their act revolved around the story of one half of the duo, Maiko (Nakatani), receiving guidance from her senior, leading to rib-tickling scenarios filled with comical misunderstandings.
Mayumi reached the decisive final block where they competed against the C block winners, Indians, where a unique scenario unfolded; both teams ended up with two votes each after the first round of judging. This resulted in an extraordinary deciding vote, where Mayumi edged out the competition, receiving three votes to Indians’ two. This victory means Mayumi will appear on the grand stage of the finals, which will be live broadcasted from Roppongi.
Industry experts and fellow comedians praised Mayumi’s resilience and adaptability, marking this as their second consecutive final entry after finishing fourth last year. Mayumi comprises of two members, Sakamoto (34) and Nakatani (35), who have been performing together since their formation 11 years ago. During their performance, Sakamoto expressed delight stating their previous outdoor performance experience was significantly colder, making the spirited and warm atmosphere all the more enjoyable this year. Nakatani humorously exclaimed, “It’s almost like an overwhelming victory,” which was met with laughter.
Judging from the panel comprised of key figures such as Koichi Iguchi (previous year's champion), Kazunobu Kubota, and Satoshi Saito, they were left astounded by Mayumi's performance, stating, "Mayumi is incredible! They overcame numerous opponents!" reflecting on the intensity and competitiveness of this year’s opening rounds.
Driven by their humor and enriched storytelling ability, Mayumi promises to engage the audience during the upcoming finals, and many anticipate whether they can replicate the success of previous Revival Match victors who did rise to prominence from lower placements such as Sandwich Man and Trendy Angel.
Reflecting on the event’s structure, the Revival Match not only highlights the comedic talents but also showcases the vibrant and supportive community of performers, judges, and fans. The M-1 Grand Prix continues to be the pinnacle for aspiring comedians, reaffirming its status through remarkable talents and unforgettable performances. The finals promise to be filled with excitement as the top finalists, featuring the likes of Shinku Jessica, Tom Brown, and others, will be vying for the ultimate title.