Mayuko Iwamoto, renowned comedic actress and member of the popular comedy duo Mayurika, stunned listeners when she casually revealed her marriage during the latest episode of her podcast, "Mayurika's Unagerorin!!" aired on December 28. The announcement was made with little fanfare, yet it elicited a deeply emotional response from her partner, Nakaya, who was completely unaware of this life milestone.
During the podcast, as the duo reflected on their recent experiences at the M-1 Grand Prix 2024, featuring their comeback after winning the losers' comeback stage, Iwamoto suddenly dropped the bombshell, saying, "Oh, by the way, I got married!" Nakaya's reaction was immediate and visceral. He was taken aback, repeating, "What? What?" as he struggled to comprehend the news. Once he grasped the reality of Iwamoto’s marriage, his shock transformed to joy, with exclamations of disbelief. "You’re married? Seriously?" he exclaimed, expressing genuine confusion mixed with amazement.
"I really wanted to share it here on the radio,” Iwamoto explained, noting her preference to let Nakaya and the audience hear about her marriage directly during their show. Saying she had kept her marriage quiet until then, she revealed they had filed their marriage registration back in November.
Nakaya continued to express his emotional response, bursting with laughter and tears simultaneously. "I’ve known you since you were three years old, and now you’re telling me you’re married! This is mind-blowing!" he exclaimed, reflecting on their long friendship with highs and lows. Their childhood antics seemed like yesterday, and now they were discussing adult milestones like marriage, which highlighted just how far they had both come.
Adding to the humor of the moment, Iwamoto revealed the identity of her marriage witness was Sasuke from another comedic duo, Takine. Nakaya couldn’t help but jokingly respond, "Seriously? Why not me?" This light-hearted exchange continued as Nakaya attempted impressions to capture his parents' reactions upon hearing the news, showcasing their solid camaraderie.
Despite the shock, Nakaya concluded with heartfelt congratulations, repeating, "I always knew you’d go forward with your life. I’m still trying to catch up with my own!" Their banter became the essence of their friendship, rich with history and humor, as they processed this life-changing news together.
While the podcast provided the perfect stage for Iwamoto's surprise announcement, it also revealed the closeness of their relationship, filled with playful jests and emotional depth. Nakaya's tearful joy illustrated the strong bond they share – it’s not just about comedy or the entertainment industry; it’s about genuine friendships and shared life experiences.
Following the episode, social media buzzed with reactions from fans and fellow comedians, congratulating Iwamoto on her marriage and expressing excitement for the newlywed adventures she would undertake.
For Iwamoto, this isn't just another chapter; it's the beginning of another exciting adventure, both personal and professional. Fans are curious about what this change will mean for the duo’s future performances. Will new themes emerge as they navigate Iwamoto's married life? Only time can tell.
Iwamoto's unexpected announcement brought light and laughter to her fans and listeners, proving once more how humor is deeply intertwined with life’s significant moments. The comedic world is eagerly waiting to see what lies in store for Iwamoto and Nakaya as they continue their dynamic partnership both on and off the stage.