Today : Mar 09, 2025
24 February 2025

Maya Massafera Stirs Controversy Over Body Image Comments

The influencer's remarks about class-based beauty standards ignite fierce debates online.

Maya Massafera, the prominent influencer and model, sparked extensive debates on social media following her recent comments about body image, sparking a discussion on how societal class influences aesthetic preferences. The 44-year-old, who celebrated her transition to womanhood last year, took to Instagram to respond to the backlash she received over her noticeably slender figure.

According to Massafera, there’s a stark difference between how various social strata view body types. She stated, "No mundo da moda, a gente gosta de mulher muito magra. É gosto. Tem gente que gosta de mulher mais sarada, de mulher gorda. Eu acho mais bonito mulher magra." (Translation: "Generally, we like very thin women. It’s a preference. Some prefer more muscular women or bigger women. Personally, I find thin women more beautiful.") With these assertions, she set the social media scene abuzz, leading to wide-ranging reactions.

Deconstructing the gulf between rich and simple tastes, she highlighted comments from her grandmother, who believes her granddaughter looks too thin, saying, "Minha avó é mais simples, e ela fala: 'May, engorda um pouco, parece que está passando fome.'" (Translation: "My grandmother is more simple, and she says: 'May, put on some weight; you look like you're starving.'") Massafera noted this anecdote to support her argument about aesthetic preferences changing with socio-economic status.

At the heart of her discourse was the assertion, "Gente rica ou francesa, ou que entende muito de moda, é apaixonada por magreza." (Translation: "Rich people, French people, or those who understand fashion deeply are fond of thinness.") According to her, elite circles often don't just prefer but idolize these standards cultivated through the fashion industry. She articulated, "Eu não estou nada magra pra eles ou pra brasileiros também da elite. Agora, gente mais simples vai me achar magra." (Translation: "I’m not even considered thin for them, or for upper-class Brazilians. The more simple people will find me thin.")

Massafera emphasized the cultural nature of beauty standards, likening her experience to historically bounded perceptions surrounding weight and aesthetics. An example she provided was from her fashion studies, where she asserted, "Fiz faculdade na maior faculdade de moda do mundo" (Translation: "I studied at one of the world’s top fashion schools").

Building toward personal conviction, she stated, "Os desfiles de moda, a elite, gostam de uma pessoa magra. Então, não tem por que a gente atacar o outro: você aprendeu a gostar de gente mais gorda por causa da sua condição financeira." (Translation: "Fashion shows—the elite prefer thin people. Therefore, there's no reason to attack each other: you learned to like bigger people due to your financial standing.") This assertion spurred various reactions online, with popular sentiments ranging from agreement to disapproval.

Social media platforms became hotbeds for both support and criticism, with users commenting on Massefera’s views. One individual remarked, “Essa Maya é um desserviço” (Translation: “This Maya is doing a disservice.”) prompting counterarguments from those who felt she had been misinterpreted. Others voiced concerns about her seemingly simplistic deduction about body preferences based on wealth.

Critics argued against her statements, with one social media user quipping, “A pior fala dela é sempre a próxima,” (Translation: “Her worst statement is always the next one.”) reflecting the polarized sentiments around her commentary. Yet, others acknowledged the truth under her controversial assertions, which shed light on the prevailing beauty biases, especially during high-profile fashion events.

Maya Massafera’s Instagram discourse remains pivotal to discussions on beauty standards, breaking down how these standards connect with cultural and economic backgrounds. Her statements illuminate the often unspoken pressures and preferences surrounding body image, particularly how societal factors shape them significantly.

Social media remains abuzz as society grapples with these conflicting perspectives, questioning where inclusivity and acceptance play roles against traditional beauty standards. While Massafera stands firm on her views, the discourse around aesthetic preferences continues to evolve, reflecting broader societal shifts.