Matsuko Deluxe, the renowned television personality, made her much-anticipated return to the small screen on April 4, thrilling fans with her appearance on the special program titled "Matsuko, Real" aired by Nippon Television (NTV). After spending over a decade largely confined to her home and television studios, Matsuko's new show is focused on her exploring various environments, reinvigorated connections, and delightful culinary experiences.
During the program, viewers witnessed Matsuko take her first steps back to public engagement, venturing to Kura Sushi—a popular sushi restaurant chain known for its conveyor-belt sushi. Shinjiro Iohara, the producer of the show, explained its goal was to allow Matsuko to clearly interact with different places and experiences, reviving the dynamic personality her fans have missed for so long.
"I understand sushi," Matsuko mused as she targeted her meal logistics at Kura Sushi, "but can I still order things like soups which move on the conveyor? Normally, I wouldn’t eat more than ten plates of sushi even on my best day!" Her innate curiosity hinted at not just humor, but genuine wonderment at the conveyor's speedy motions compared to her television experiences almost ten years ago.
On entering, she exclaimed, "I’ve never used this before. This wasn't here ten years ago! The speed can only be appreciated live; it’s fast!" Matsuko's initial exploration included rolls of delicious sushi, showcasing her still-evident appetite for quality culinary adventures.
Opting for the restaurant's signature side dishes, she requested ramen and udon, which she affectionately dubbed the "shinkansen" for their express delivery on top of the conveyor belt. Her nostalgic ordering quickly escalated as she placed requests for eleven sushi plates, including marbled tuna and grilled cheese salmon, the latter paired with chuhai—a fizzy alcoholic beverage.
One dish stood out particularly to Matsuko: the onion salmon. She remarked, "This dish flows within my 52-year-old DNA; it's bound to be popular with others too!" Her enthusiasm indicates not just joy but serves as poignant recognition of flavors reminiscent of her childhood and why food can mark significant chapters of one's life.
Matsuko's delight extended even to her time-honored favorite, kani-kama. "I have strong feelings for kani-kama, you know. My generation experienced the huge kani-kama craze, I must have consumed at least fifty thousand of them. Those of you who are over fifty will surely understand how I feel!" Her remarks resonate with many nostalgic viewers, emphasizing how food connects generations.
Expressing her joy, she stated, "The best part about conveyor-belt sushi is it lifts your spirits, genuinely. It was such fun!" After relishing her significant sushi binge of twenty plates, along with two noodle dishes and five dessert plates, it's clear Matsuko returned to television not just with the intent but with the vigor, laughter, and personality her fans have desperately sought.
Matsuko Deluxe's emotional and culinary exploration serves the dual purpose of reuniting with fans and enthusiasts of Japanese cuisine alike, showcasing her disinfected reflections and capable charm as she navigated Kura Sushi's offerings. Surely, this enduring encounter marks her successful return to the entertainment scene, delighting viewers with her witty banter and unrivaled spirit, coupled beautifully with her culinary explorations.