Matsuko Deluxe, the beloved Japanese celebrity, made headlines as she ventured beyond her usual confines of home and television studios to explore some of Japan’s culinary treasures. Appearing on Nippon Television's special program "Matsuko, Real Life" on January 4, the 52-year-old star sampled dishes from renowned food establishments including the popular ramen chain Ichiran and the conveyor sushi chain Kurazushi.
Upon entering Ichiran, celebrated for its tonkotsu ramen, Matsuko encountered the restaurant's unique dining setup, particularly the "Taste Concentration Counter," which allows diners to enjoy their noodles with minimal interaction from other patrons. "I think all restaurants should implement this system. It would make dining out much easier," Matsuko remarked enthusiastically, highlighting how the design reduces distractions.
Despite her initial hesitation, evident when she expressed confusion over the restaurant’s touchscreen ticketing system, Matsuko quickly adapted. She humorously lamented, "I’m losing confidence already. Can't you zoom in?" before eagerly partaking in the local delicacies. Within her first few moments at the restaurant, she ordered several plates of food, showcasing her well-known large appetite.
Matsuko’s experience was not without its comedic elements. After ordering, she found herself having to down her beer quickly before the ramen arrived. Once her bowl of ramen did come, she couldn’t keep herself from indulging, finishing the meal with impressive speed. "I’m not really interested in the reorders, just give me the soup, I want to savor it!" she joked, displaying her preference for tasting the flavorful broth instead of opting for extra noodle servings typically offered.
Interestingly, social media lit up following her episode as fans reacted to her menu choices. Comments like "Matsuko spent 3,790 yen on her first Ichiran trip!" and "She devoured the ramen in just four bites!" indicate her popular status and the humorous way she portrayed her meal ordinary to Japanese culture. She finished her meal remarking, "That was quite the serious eating for me!" showcasing her enjoyment and surprise at how much she could eat.
Following her ramen adventure, Matsuko also visited Kurazushi where she had not dined since filming there over ten years ago. With over 600 locations worldwide, Kurazushi has made several enhancements since her last visit, particularly the new system where food is delivered directly to tables via conveyor belts. Sharing her thoughts on the modern changes, she exclaimed, "I’ve never seen this before! It’s much quicker than I had anticipated!" as she eagerly ordered assorted sushi and side dishes.
During her visit, Matsuko was particularly thrilled with several items she ordered, mentioning how nostalgic flavors like the onion salmon brought back memories. "This has got the essence of my 52-year-old DNA! It's bound to be popular!" she exclaimed, showing her embrace of the beloved dish. Her culinary escapade at Kurazushi was filled with laughter and joy as she managed to eat twenty plates of sushi, additional noodles, and even desserts, stating, "The fun part about conveyor sushi is the energy it brings! It was such fun!"
The program also showcased Matsuko's personal evolution as she engaged with cultural dining practices she had long overlooked. Her exploration wasn’t solely focused on the food; it also highlighted her rapport with Japanese culture and her ability to engage with it positively.
Matsuko's culinary adventure, featured prominently on "Matsuko, Real Life," will be available on Netflix shortly as a director’s cut along with additional content not aired during the live show. It serves as her strategy to reconnect with her audience, demonstrating not just comedic talent, but also appreciating the nation’s food culture.
Overall, Matsuko’s experiences at Ichiran and Kurazushi not only promised humor and entertainment but also acted as cultural showcases for Japanese gastronomy, leaving viewers enriched and entertained. It's these delightful revelations about culinary experiences and Matsuko's charm as she navigates the world of modern dining, making for engaging viewing.