Marine Delplace has emerged victorious from the thrilling finale of the 2024 edition of Star Academy, held on January 25, 2025, capturing the attention of audiences across France. The conclusion of this highly publicized reality television competition culminated with Marine's well-deserved win, which not only brought her fame but also substantial recognition, as she garnered 65% of the public vote. This victory rewards Marine with a contract worth €100,000 and promises of new music to follow through her newfound affiliation with Sony Music Entertainment France.
The finale was nothing short of spectacular, as both Marine and her fellow finalist, Ebony Cham, took to the stage with remarkable performances. This intense night featured duets, solos, and the presence of several noteworthy guest artists, all lending their voices and reputations to support the finalists. Among these stars were top performers such as Clara Luciani, Amel Bent, and the prominent Italian rocker Damiano David, who shared his hit single with Marine.
Despite Marine’s victory, the competition was overshadowed by the storm of controversy surrounding Ebony. The talented 20-year-old, known as the daughter of successful zouk artist Thierry Cham, became the target of online harassment driven by racial and gender biases. The aggression directed at Ebony led to widespread public outcry, and initiatives were quickly implemented to support her. Groups like "SOS Racisme" and "La Maison des potes" filed complaints against the racially charged comments, urging the production company, Endemol, to take action against the wave of hate directed at her. Nikos Aliagas, the show host, emphasized the importance of respect throughout the events leading up to the announcement of the winner.
The dramatic finale showcased both finalists’ strengths and creative talents. Marine stood out for her powerful voice, but Ebony also left her mark with heartfelt performances, displaying her undeniable charisma and stage presence. Their dynamic showed not just the rivalry characteristic of such competitions, but also the camaraderie built over their shared experience.
Matt Pokora, amid the finale's excitement, urged fans to focus on the celebration of music rather than perpetuating the divisive sentiments brewing between the two groups of supporters. He remarked, "I know there are pro-Marine and pro-Ebony fans tonight, but we must not forget, we are living through a very great musical evening." His plea reinforced the spirit of the evening and highlighted the mutual respect between the contestants.
The stakes were high not only for the winners but also for the broader picture of racial equality and representation within French media. Many voiced their concerns about how Ebony’s racial identity influenced public perception and voting behavior. It's important to note, as highlighted by various advocates, Ebony's talent and charisma were apparent throughout the competition, earning her numerous fans regardless of the controversies. Her supporters organized campaigns to address the hateful comments, ensuring she felt valued and appreciated.
Reflecting on the overall experience, both finalists have promising futures set before them. With their first singles, "Unforgettable" for Ebony and "Ma faute" for Marine, recently released and already attracting millions of streams, both women are well on their way to carving out their places in the music industry. Indeed, their paths are just beginning, with the upcoming Star Academy tour providing them the platform to reach even broader audiences.
At the end of the night, Marine received not only the trophy but also the acclaim of being the face of hope and talent. She has the potential to follow the footsteps of the previous winner, Pierre Garnier, who has enjoyed notable success since his own victory.
With significant support and recognition behind them, there is no doubt the careers of both Marine Delplace and Ebony Cham will continue to flourish post-competition. Fans can look forward to more from these rising stars as they embrace their newfound visibility and opportunity, together reshaping the music scene with their exceptional talents.