Tochigi Prefecture, located just north of Tokyo, is often overshadowed by its more famous neighbors. Yet, one local manga artist is working diligently to change this narrative. Sayaka Itsuki, who has dedicated her craft to showcasing the stunning landscapes and rich culture of her homeland, believes her manga can help boost Tochigi’s status as an alluring destination.
Itsuki’s work is set against the backdrop of Tochigi’s most picturesque locations, including the stunning temples of Nikko, which are recognized as UNESCO World Heritage sites. "Tochigi is close to Tokyo, full of nature, and has World Heritage sites. I wanted to promote Tochigi through manga," Itsuki explained. She began pursuing this ambitious goal about ten years ago upon noticing her beloved prefecture consistently ranked low on attractiveness lists issued yearly. This disheartening trend led Itsuki to take action.
With roots deeply embedded in Tochigi, Itsuki has been passionate about art since childhood, particularly influenced by her fervor for anime and manga.
She recalls nurturing her dreams of becoming a manga artist, spurred by her love for classic series like "Sailor Moon." Her initial ambition was solidified during high school when she won the Encouragement Award at a manga competition. Following her debut with "Kosuchu!" in 2008, she has become well-regarded for her insightful portrayals of her region.
The landscapes she paints through her manga serve both to entertain and educate readers about Tochigi's natural beauty. Her characters, often depicted as high school students traversing the scenic views of their hometown, bring to life the essence of daily life mixed with the wider landscapes of Tochigi. This blend of relatable storytelling and stunning art not only resonates with readers but has also become emblematic of her mission to highlight the serene yet vibrant charm of the area.
One of the central themes of Itsuki’s stories is the coexistence of town and nature, encapsulated by the balance she observes throughout Tochigi. She stated, "I really love Tochigi. Living here always makes me feel this way. Even after becoming a manga artist, I didn't think of moving to Tokyo." It’s clear her commitment to portraying Tochigi’s beauty is not only professional; it’s personal.
By focusing on her roots, Itsuki hopes to inspire others to see the value and beauty of her hometown. Her works function as travel brochures cloaked as stories, subtly inviting readers to explore the landscapes she so dearly loves. She is continually motivated to create, recognizing how the medium of manga can help attract tourism and regain pride for local citizens.
Recognized as the Tochigi Future Ambassador, Itsuki sees herself not just as an artist but as a representative for her community. "I want to be someone who shows the world what Tochigi has to offer. Through my manga, I aim to share the wonderful places, delicious foods, and friendly people of this region," she enthusiastically stated.
Itsuki's ambition highlights an important narrative prevalent across many regions struggling for recognition. Through engaging storytelling combined with artistic representation, she is doing her part to spark interest and awareness not just for Tochigi but for other underappreciated locations worldwide.
Although each project may take considerable time and creative energy, Itsuki remains dedicated to contributing to the arts and her community. She recognizes the struggles of many areas striving to gain visibility amid the overwhelming noise of larger cities. She firmly believes the path forward lies within the very beauty of the land itself and aims to continue her role as both ambassador and artist.
Acclaimed for her efforts, Itsuki doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. With her determination to create manga celebrating her beloved Tochigi Prefecture, the region may just find its way back onto the radar of potential visitors who want to experience the balance of urban living and natural beauty.
Through each stroke of her pen, Itsuki paves the way for greater appreciation of Tochigi, translating her admiration for her home and for the arts. And who knows? One day, we may very well find Tochigi standing proudly alongside its illustrious neighbors.