The beloved Sunday crime series "Tatort," which has been captivating audiences since 1970, is approaching significant changes as it heads toward 2025. For long-time viewers, this means facing emotional farewells as familiar investigator teams and their respective cities—integral parts of the show’s identity—are set to evolve. Audiences will particularly mourn the departure of beloved characters who have spent years establishing their cult status through presence and regional authenticity. Already, it's confirmed: at least two fan-favorite figures will solve their final cases next year.
Heading out is Axel Milberg (68), well-known for his role as Commissioner Borowski, who has been investigating crimes since 2003. Marking his 20th anniversary with the show, the Norddeutscher Rundfunk announced this significant milestone back in March 2023. Borowski’s penultimate case, titled "Tatort: Borowski und das hungrige Herz," is scheduled for release on January 12. His final episode, "Borowski und das Haupt der Medusa," was filmed earlier this year, though the release date is still pending. Taking over the investigative mantle along the Kiel fjord will be actress Karoline Schuch (43), who is set to team up with Almila Bagriacik (34) starting 2026. Bagriacik has been part of the Kiel team since 2018. The new female detective duo will make their debut with the two-part premiere "Unter Freunden / Unter Feinden" on consecutive Sunday nights, anticipated for 2026.
Meanwhile, fans of the Münster installment will experience the departure of key supporting figure Staatsanwältin Wilhelmine Klemm, played by Mechthild Großmann (76). The Westdeutsche Rundfunk revealed mid-August 2024, she plans to leave by the end of 2025. Despite her retirement from the show, Großmann expressed her intention to continue performing. "When the last Münster 'Tatort' with me airs at the end of 2025, I will be 77 and I don’t aim to stop working," she said. "I will keep acting in theater and organizing readings, preferably with music. And if the WDR is ever on the lookout for someone to play a nasty murderer, I’d jump at the chance!" Currently, no successor for the distinctive character has been named.
Changes are also on the horizon for the Dresden branch. Actress Karin Hanczewski (43), who has portrayed Kommissarin Karin Gorniak since 2016, will bid farewell with her final episode titled "Tatort: Herz der Dunkelheit." A specific air date has yet to be confirmed, but Hanczewski revealed her decision to leave back in May 2023, remarking positively about her time on the Dresden team. "The choice to leave was not easy, but it's time to move on and tell new stories," she noted. Following her departure, Martin Brambach (57) as Kommissariatsleiter Peter Michael Schnabel will be the most senior member of the team, partnering with Cornelia Gröschel (37), who was introduced to the squad back in 2019.
The Bavarian capital is also preparing for the final countdown. The last five episodes of the Munich team are set for the "Tatort" season of 2025/2026, which has stirred emotional reflections among fans. Early 2024, the Bayerischer Rundfunk announced the end of the beloved duo—Franz Leitmayr (Udo Wachtveitl, 66) and Ivo Batic (Miroslav Nemec, 70)—with their 100th episode anticipated for 2026. Having first appeared together back in 1991, they are currently the second-oldest team on the show. By the end of November 2024, it became official: Kriminaloberkommissar Karl-Heinz "Kalli" Hammermann (Ferdinand Hofer, 31), who has been assisting since 2014, is stepping up to the forefront alongside newcomer Carlo Ljubek (48) as Kommissar Nikola Buvak. Ljubek is already notable from previous appearances on "Tatort" and will be taking on the role just as Hammermann will step up. The first adventure featuring the new duo is set to commence filming at the end of 2025.
While these exits bring about change, numerous long-standing teams will remain intact. For example, Ulrike Folkerts (63)—the longest-serving investigator—has been working as Lena Odenthal since 1989, assisted by Hauptkommissarin Johanna Stern (Lisa Bitter, born 1984) for the past decade. The Kölner duo—Max Ballauf (Klaus J. Behrendt, 64) and Freddy Schenk (Dietmar Bär, 63)—has also been strongly established, having worked together since 1997. Meanwhile, the Vienna team has grown together over the years, with Moritz Eisner (Harald Krassnitzer, 64) missing his partner Bibi Fellner (Adele Neuhauser, 65) who joined him later, and Charlotte Lindholm (Maria Furtwängler), who returns to her duties after multiple team changes between regions.
And from Stuttgart, the investigation by Kriminalhauptkommissare Thorsten Lannert (Richy Müller, 69) and Sebastian Bootz (Felix Klare, 46) marks yet another significant anniversary, celebrating 17 years together on screen.
Upcoming broadcasts will feature several noteworthy episodes. On January 5, the Kölner team will present "Tatort: Restschuld," followed by Borowski's penultimate episode. Viewers can expect the Stuttgarter "Tatort: Verblendung" on January 19, the Saarbrücker "Tatort: Das Ende der Nacht" on January 26, and the Magdeburger "Polizeiruf 110: Widerfahrnis" on February 2. Following a brief interruption due to the Bundestag elections, the Berlin installment, "Tatort: Vier Leben," will air on February 16.