After five years of delivering poetic musical performances, the Barsinghausen quartet known as "LiLy" is transforming and rebranding as the duo "La Poesia." This change marks not just the end of one chapter but the beginning of another for the talented artists. Hans-Jürgen Wolfgram, speaking to the Deister Echo, expressed heartfelt sentiments about the group's time as LiLy, stating, "It has been unforgettable moments to perform before such a fantastic audience. We have received much sympathy and plenty of support." Such gratitude reflects the connection the quartet formed with its audience, making their transition all the more poignant.
LiLy’s decision to reformat as La Poesia allows them to take their artistry to new heights, promising future performances filled with creative ideas and passionate singing. The duo, consisting of previous members Wolfgang and Wolfgram, look forward to presenting imaginative poetry alongside heartfelt music. This endeavor isn't just about continuing to perform; it's about cultivating and sharing the love of music with those who appreciate it.
Meanwhile, the trio of male singers known as the Drei-Königs-Sänger, who have been performing for 50 years, have become renowned figures of charity within the Bavarian community. With their unique combination of music and philanthropy, they have raised over 520,000 euros through their celebrations. 'It's really a win-win-win situation," noted Stadtpfarrer Martin Ringhof, who blessed the singers before they set off on their epiphany tour this past Friday. The longstanding tradition serves not only as entertainment but also as a catalyst for goodwill, highlighting the bond between song and community service.
Every holiday season since 1975 has seen this male quartet, consisting of two baritones and two tenors, serenading the townspeople of Dorfen. This specific performance serves as more than just music; it’s part of their charitable work as they make house calls to spread festive cheer and collect donations. Joined by the spirit of camaraderie, the singers bring gifts of song and blessings to the homes they visit, often accompanied by refreshments.
Creativity and tradition are mixed, with singers performing traditional Epiphany melodies as well as original compositions, including one from Kirchenmusiker Ernst Bartmann. Their repertoire, combined with the interactions they share with townsfolk, results in aglow smiles on many faces. Hans Baumgartner, who has been with the group since 1986, serves as the organizer, ensuring the operations remain smooth and engaging.
Describing the charming role of the star, which is prominent during these visits, Baumgartner mentioned, "The star is always the most notable feature of any singing quartet." The unique visibility helps to celebrate the Kings who are the central theme of their mission—spreading good tidings and collecting donations for charitable causes.
While some might confuse the Drei-Königs-Sänger with other similar groups, they are particularly distinct as they operate independently from the nationwide Children's Missions Work in Aachen, enabling them to choose where their funds go directly. This autonomy not only increases their engagement but assures transparency—"The donations reach those who need them without administrative constraints," Baumgartner elaborated.
The initiative of the three kings transcends mere entertainment; it embodies community service, fostering local and international aid. With connections to various charitable efforts, including health-related causes overseas, these singing engagements continue to resonate deeply within and beyond their local area.
Both the transforming duo and the charitable trio showcase the enduring power of music as they continue to evolve and influence their communities. The gratitude expressed by LiLy's transformation to La Poesia parallels the goodwill and fellowship the Drei-Königs-Sänger cultivate each holiday season through song.