On January 30, 2025, Lee Ji-hoon edged out Choon-gil (also known as Mo-se) by just one vote during a tense face-off on the popular TV show Mystery of the 3rd Building. This competition featured head-to-head performances, showcasing the remarkable talents of the two esteemed vocalists.
The captivating duel began with Choon-gil taking the stage, delivering his rendition of Soo-eun-dung by Kim Yeon-ja. His performance featured impressive vocal runs, skillfully executed with flair and confidence. Observers noted not only the technical excellence of his singing but also the comfortable stage presence he displayed throughout the act.
Lee Ji-hoon followed with his own powerful performance, where he sang Yeol-ae by Yoon Si-nae. Right from the start, he captivated the audience with his intense emotional delivery and strong high notes, illustrating why he is recognized for his vocal strength. It was evident to all watching and the judges, alike, how hard both contestants had worked.
The judging panel, comprised of voices like Lee Kyung-kyu and Jang Yoon-jung, struggled to determine the winner, reflecting the tension of the situation. Lee Kyung-kyu likened the match to an intense soccer game, stating, "It felt like this match-up was between Germany and Brazil at the World Cup, with Lee Ji-hoon representing Germany and Choon-gil representing Brazil," highlighting the high stakes involved.
Jang Yoon-jung shared her thoughts on the difficulty of the task at hand, explaining, "Both singers were strong vocalists, and I pondered how the results would have differed if they swapped song choices." This statement underscored the extraordinary level of competition present.
After the performances, the judges cast their votes, leading to nail-biting moments as they deliberated on the ultimate decision. Alas, the results were finalized, and with just one vote separating them, Lee Ji-hoon emerged victorious, securing his place for the next round of competitions. Meanwhile, Choon-gil found himself facing elimination, having only narrowly missed advancement.
This nail-biting outcome underlined the intensity of the competition and showcased the extraordinary talents of both singers, leaving audiences eager for what the next episode would bring following this memorable duel. The suspense, skill, and sheer talent on display encapsulated what Mystery of the 3rd Building stands for—competition at its finest, filled with both delight and heartbreak.