Today : Mar 03, 2025
Arts & Culture
02 March 2025

Lara Fabian Opens Up About Her Struggles With Eating Disorders And Health Crisis

The singer reflects on her past trauma and how motherhood helped her heal

On March 2, 2025, renowned singer Lara Fabian shared her deeply personal struggles with eating disorders during her appearance on the French television show Un dimanche à la campagne, hosted by Frédéric Lopez. Despite her success, with the sale of over 20 million records and recognition alongside legends such as Céline Dion, her life has been marked by significant challenges, including traumatic experiences from her childhood and the dire consequences of her relationship with food.

Born to an Italian mother and Belgian father, Fabian's early years were marred by the traumatic need to move from her home in Sicily to Belgium for schooling when she was just eight years old. "It's a real drama for me. The next day, I was to start school, and I will never forget how I stood at the door. I did not want to leave this cocoon..." she recounted. Her tumultuous youth was exacerbated by bullying at school, where her peers cruelly called her names, making her feel inadequate and different. "Dirty foreigner, return home," she remembered the taunts during the candid discussion.

Among her childhood trauma, she found herself scarred by the rejection she faced from her dance instructor, who publicly humiliated her by declaring, "She is too fat. Nobody could lift her! Out!" This moment stung her consciousness and instilled lasting body image issues. "I grew up with the certainty of being really ugly and fat. I had real problems with my appearance, my body, my face," she said. After years of struggle, she developed complex eating disorders, affecting her health significantly.

Fabian recalled her severe health crises: "I reached 41 kilos, and I had a heart attack. I could vomit between 15 to 18 times per day." This harrowing experience reflected the depths of her battle with food, where she would cut apples to portion her meals, labeling them for each day of the week, as though creating rituals to manage her self-imposed restrictions.

During the episode, she also addressed her emotional turmoil, especially surrounding her former partner and collaborator Rick Allison, who left her both professionally and personally at one of the lowest points of her life. His departure coincided with rising public mockery of her talent, particularly during satirical shows like Les Guignols de l’info, which only deepened her despair. "I no longer saw myself as the girl who sang; I was just the girl who screamed," she explained, describing her perception of how the public viewed her at the time.

Lara’s mental health deteriorated, leading her to dark thoughts about her worth and existence. "At one point, I said to myself, 'That's enough, I'm going to take something to make it stop,' and it was Rick who found me and brought me back," she shared with tears. It was during this troubled phase when her life transformed through the unexpected joy of motherhood. The realization of desiring to be a mother became the turning point she desperately needed. "It was the soul of Lou, my daughter, who arrived at some point. I thought, 'If you want to become a mother, your body has to be able to manage. You need to repair this vessel.'"

Fabian’s daughter Lou, born from her relationship with Gérard Pullicino, became the light she needed to start healing. "It was around the age of 36 when I began to heal; I started appreciating food again, sharing meals, and transmitting joy instead of fear associated with eating." Through her struggle and eventual recovery, Lara Fabian's ability to articulate her experience has provided invaluable insight for many facing similar challenges.

Her courage to openly talk about her past troubles has been instrumental, particularly since the publication of her book Tout in September 2022, wherein she confesses her complex relationship with food and the severe aftermath. On March 2nd, she poignantly reflected on her past on national television, highlighting the role of public criticism and personal failures on her mental health. "It really struck me when they parodied my singing, which chipped away at my confidence even more," she said. The weight of societal expectations intertwined with her self-image made her struggles more significant.

Through her candid sharing of emotional scars and life lessons, Fabian aims to inspire hope and resilience. The healing began with her decision to embrace her identity, craft her experiences, and share those stories to nurture not only her recovery but also her connection with fans worldwide. Today, she expresses gratitude for her health, her daughter's influence over her choices, and the art of song, which continually enriches her life.

Lara Fabian's reflections on her past offer insight and may resonate with many who have fought or continue to fight similar battles. The narrative of overcoming despair through love and motherhood is both poignant and impactful, underscoring the resilience of the human spirit.