On December 19, 2024, the action-adventure film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, directed by Simon West, made its way back to the television screen, airing on RTL II. This iconic movie, originally released in 2001, remains notable for its role in the evolution of video game adaptations. When it first hit theaters, video game movies were often met with skepticism, particularly due to poor previous adaptations. Fast forward to today, and the genre has seen some redemption, with successful adaptations like The Last of Us and Amazon's Fallout proving the potential for great storytelling from this medium.
Viewers who missed the 9:55 PM airing can still catch the film via the RTL II Mediathek, where numerous shows are available for streaming after their original broadcast. Unfortunately, RTL II won’t be airing another rerun anytime soon, making the online option one of the best ways to experience Lara Croft's thrilling adventures.
The crux of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider follows the wealthy and fearless archaeologist Lara Croft, played by Angelina Jolie, as she uncovers her late father's mysterious clock, which leads her on a globe-trotting adventure to stop the Illuminati from seizing control of time itself. This compelling chase is fueled by the discovery of the clock, which is sought after by those wishing to manipulate its potential power. "Ihre Muskeln sind gestählt und sie kennt keine Furcht. So ist es für die wohlhabende Lara Croft denn auch keine Frage, dass sie den Kampf gegen eine skrupellose Organisation aufnimmt. Deren Mitglieder wollen eine geheimnisvolle Macht an sich reißen, mit der sie die Zeit kontrollieren können. Lara hat den Schlüssel dazu?" (Original quote in German: "Ihre Muskeln sind gestählt und sie kennt keine Furcht. So ist es für die wohlhabende Lara Croft denn auch keine Frage, dass sie den Kampf gegen eine skrupellose Organisation aufnimmt. Deren Mitglieder wollen eine geheimnisvolle Macht an sich reißen, mit der sie die Zeit kontrollieren können. Lara hat den Schlüssel dazu?")
Despite receiving mixed reviews upon its release, with significant critique on its narrative depth, the film became notable for its action sequences and Jolie's commanding performance. According to Carsten Baumgardt of FILMSTARTS, "What remains is the realization, Tomb Raider meets the expectations of less demanding action fans, but Simon West missed the chance to create a modern, ironic action-adventure like Indiana Jones." It seems the film was more expected blockbuster entertainment rather than groundbreaking cinema, relying heavily on set pieces, with its lavish $115 million budget standing as evidence.
Calling back to its roots, the film's remastering is part of the dialogue around nostalgia for early 2000s cinema and video game adaptations. Next to Lara's fearless escapades, the star-studded cast features Jon Voight, Iain Glen, Daniel Craig, Noah Taylor, and several others, showcasing the all-star ensemble of early 21st-century action films. Originally filmed with the aim of revitalizing interest in video game narratives, it evokes sentimentality for its era—whether for its highs or lows.
With the growing interest in remastering classic films and shows, there's hope for future airings and access to this thrilling tale. Fans of Jolie's work can find her next performing role on February 6, where she portrays another legendary figure, the famed soprano Maria Callas, potentially setting her up for Oscar consideration. The timeless appeal of action-adventure films resonates powerfully among audiences, demonstrating the continued allure of such characters we've come to know.
Whether viewers tune in for nostalgia, curious about video game movies, or enjoy Jolie's spirited performance, the fact remains – Lara Croft: Tomb Raider awaits with its blend of action, culture, and the complexity of its protagonist.