Kurochyan, the 48-year-old member of the comedy trio Yasuda Daisakasu, faced unexpected turmoil in his romantic life during the January 22, 2025, episode of TBS's popular show "Wednesday Downtown". This episode, which concluded the three-month-long segment "New Year Kurochyan Real Life Sugoroku", featured Kurochyan’s heartfelt proposal to his girlfriend, 28-year-old Richi, who he had been dating for two years after meeting during the show’s "Monster Love" segment aired back in December 2022.
With anticipation building, Kurochyan had expressed his love publicly, declaring during previous events, "We’re genuinely together, and if things go well, we’re planning to get married!" But when the moment of truth arrived, Richi’s response shattered Kurochyan's hopes. Instead of the expected joyous acceptance, Richi replied, "Thank you, Kurochyan. But I cannot marry you. I want to end everything today." Her emotional response—marked by tears—took not only Kurochyan but the viewers by surprise.
Richi explained her decision candidly during the broadcast. "You probably don’t realize it, but I reached my limit long ago. For two years, I felt as if I was constantly looked down upon. It was like I was playing the role of your ideal girlfriend without ever being seen as equal," she stated. Her reflection on their relationship revealed feelings of being objectified; she expressed how she felt her worth was defined solely by Kurochyan's perceptions.
This bold airing of grievances from Richi led to significant reactions on social media, where viewers expressed empathy and support for her stance. Comments flooded platforms, echoing sentiments like, "Richi is absolutely right! She deserves more respect!" and "I can't believe Kurochyan didn’t see how she felt. Richi is strong to say it out loud." This outpouring highlighted public support for Richi’s decision to prioritize her self-respect.
Coinciding with the breakup, Richi announced her departure from her agency, WACK. The agency clarified, "Both parties have agreed to terminate the exclusive contract with WACK," marking the end of Richi's chapter as one of its talents. Richi took to Twitter, expressing her sentiment, "Thank you for the past two years! I am leaving WACK. Thank you, Kurochyan, for being my friend, even after everything!" This announcement seemed to close the door on her relationship with Kurochyan and her previous professional ties.
Meanwhile, Kurochyan, reflecting on the proposal’s fallout, took to his YouTube channel for a live stream. He addressed his fans, saying, "Please allow Richi her privacy now as she returns to being just another person. Let’s not stalk or interview her; let her have her peace." His mature handling of the situation, particularly being respectful of Richi’s wishes, earned him some support from viewers who praised his attempt to manage the fallout gracefully.
Richi also expressed gratitude for her experiences over the past two years. She shared on her agency's site, "These past two years became treasures of my life!" She acknowledged the joys and challenges of being in the spotlight and reflected on the growth she achieved personally and professionally, indicating she would return to her normal life.
Despite the hiccup of their engagement, Kurochyan ended his live stream on amiable terms, stating their bond, even as friends, would continue: "We’ve decided to become friends. Of course, we’ll still go out for meals together." This decision to maintain friendship was viewed positively, hinting at maturity coming from both sides of the breakup.
Dramatic and filled with emotion, this saga surrounding Kurochyan and Richi resonates with themes of self-identity, respect, and the complexity of relationships framed against the backdrop of public life. Fans are left wondering just what the future holds for both, especially after witnessing how their love story unfolded on screen. Will Kurochyan find happiness again? Will Richi step boldly back onto the stage of life as she charts her new path? Only time will tell as the curtain falls on this chapter of their lives.