Kuro-chan, the 48-year-old comedian from the popular trio Yasuda Daisakasu, experienced heartbreak live on air during the January 22, 2025, episode of TBS's variety show, Wednesday's Downtown. Known widely for his engaging public persona, he proposed to his girlfriend Richi, 28, but found his romantic gestures cut abruptly due to her heartfelt rejection, culminating their two-year relationship.
The emotionally charged moment from the series was anticipated by fans, as Kuro-chan had hinted at deepening his commitment during the show. After purchasing an engagement ring valued at 1.63 million yen, he opted to take Richi to the location where they first met, hoping to strike both sentimentality and love. With sincerity, he shared his feelings, declaring, “I love you, Richi. I want to be with you more and make you happy. Please marry me.”
Despite his genuine proposal, Richi's response was not what he hoped for. Tears filled her eyes as she replied, “Thank you, Kuro-chan, but I can’t marry you.” This unexpected rejection shocked the studio audience, leaving Kuro-chan visibly confused and heartbroken. Confronted with his query about whether his proposal was premature, she finally disclosed, “I want to end everything today.” Unexpectedly, Richi expressed two years' worth of pent-up frustrations with the relationship.
Richi revealed, “You probably didn’t notice, but I reached my limit long ago. I originally participated because I liked you and wanted to marry you. But for the past two years, I've always felt looked down upon.” Her words opened the curtain on their relationship dynamics—one characterized by limitations set by Kuro-chan, from restrictions about her appearance to overall mutual respect.
Throughout the relationship, Richi admitted to having molded herself to fit Kuro-chan's vision of the ideal partner, saying, “I acted as the perfect girlfriend you envisioned, but that's not who I am.” This powerful sentiment underscored the disconnect between the couple, drawing attention to the importance of equality and recognition of individual identity within relationships. Kuro-chan's follow-up comment, “Why didn’t you tell me before?” initiated raw dialogue, but Richi pointed out the inherent imbalance, noting it felt unsafe to share her true feelings.
The culmination of emotions finally manifested as Kuro-chan desperately sought to salvage their bond, stating, “I can change from today!” But Richi dismissed these proclamations, asserting the importance of moving forward. “You're too much about yourself,” she declared, reinforcing the underlying issues they faced, including her feelings of objectification felt during their time together.
When asked if he had anything to say before they parted ways, Kuro-chan expressed regret, lamenting, “I regret more than anything... I was too focused on myself and failed to notice your limits.” Richi, softened by his candidness, acknowledged their shared experiences saying, “We had fun over these two years. Thank you... goodbye.” With this final exchange, she walked away, leaving Kuro-chan emotionally vulnerable and introspective.
The aftermath revealed the public's reactions, with many stunned by the unexpected turn of events. Social media lit up with reactions, contributing to the perception of the show as both entertaining and poignant. Fans called for more awareness on relationship health, underlining Richi's perspectives which challenged traditional narratives often glorifying romantic proposals.
Kuro-chan and Richi's love story began within the confines of the reality show 'Monster Love,' where their romance blossomed amid public spectacle. They captivated viewers with their bubbly interactions, deepening the fascination surrounding their relationship. Yet, the fallout from the proposal illustrated how vibrant TV connections often mask underlying concerns, making it clear why sharp interactions can haunt reality show romances.
Reflecting on the experience, Kuro-chan returned home, still reeling from the shock of loss, reiteratively mouthing, “I lost everything after proposing.” The end of this chapter neither signifies the closure of their story nor the end of his public life, but rather serves as groundwork for future discussions around relationships.