Kozue Komiya, once the shining star of the popular teen fashion magazine Popteen, has made waves by transitioning from her career as a model to becoming the owner of two successful nail salons. This shift marks not just a career change but also reflects her evolution as both a businesswoman and as a devoted mother of three boys.
During her peak around 2010, Komiya was virtually everywhere on television, flaunting her distinct style and vibrant personality. She stood out among the crowd with her bold makeup and captivating charm. Komiya’s popularity was tied closely to her brand as a reader model and talent, often appearing on variety shows. Yet, after a controversial incident at the end of 2012, her television appearances dwindled significantly, prompting her to reassess her professional direction.
Today, Komiya runs two nail salons under the name ef nail, located in Yokohama (specifically Ishikawa-cho and Motomachi). The first salon opened its doors back in 2018, and the second just started operations in October 2023. “I am currently running two nail salons named ‘ef nail’ located at Ishikawa-cho and Motomachi,” she shared. While her salons may be smaller, with only between four to five seats, they have managed to maintain profitability and establish their presence.
Komiya credits her experience as beneficial to her current entrepreneurial endeavors, stating, “The method of opening and managing has become easier for me with the lessons learned along the way.” She emphasizes the importance of sustainable growth, noting, “The challenge lies not just in opening shops but also attracting clients and maintaining staffing. I am currently staying stable; it’s not easy to simply increase locations quickly.”
Employing nine women under proper employment conditions with social insurance, Komiya takes her role as an employer seriously. “I want my employees to have security and benefits,” she pointed out, showcasing her conscientious approach to business. The decision to pursue the nail salon industry stemmed from earlier experiences running a temporary restaurant called “Shibuya Ward” for three months, which offered insights about the food sector and its challenges.
While managing her businesses, Komiya still nurtures her family at home. She explains, “My time as both a mother and entrepreneur can be difficult, but I find joy by balancing these roles.” Following the end of her restaurant era, she decided to enter the nail industry after considering lifestyle compatibility with her responsibilities as a parent. “I realized I needed a flexible job to properly raise my children,” she stated, highlighting parenting as her primary motivation.
Her online presence also gives glimpses of her affluent lifestyle, featuring videos showing her purchasing luxury cars and embarking on lavish cruises. Surprisingly, Komiya remains grounded, clarifying, “I focus more on enriching the lives of those around me than on my own.” This sentiment connects to her desire to contribute positively to her community and her motherly aspirations.
Reflecting on her past relationship with fame, Komiya has spoken candidly about her experiences during her modeling days, including challenges faced behind the scenes. “I used to think all my success was solely due to my own efforts,” she stated, noting the collaborative nature of show business and the significance of support from peers and family.
While the world of modeling and entertainment remains enticing, Komiya acknowledges the shifting dynamics of her life. She has shared, “Getting back to television isn’t as simple as it seems; I value the work I do now immensely.” Instead of focusing on her former life, she revels in her present roles as both mother and business owner.
Currently establishing her brand, Komiya’s ef nail serves as more than just her profession; it embodies her return to self-fulfillment and creativity. Navigational challenges keep her grounded, with her focus on long-term sustainability rather than quick successes. “The path isn’t always smooth, but I cherish every moment spent,” she remarked.
Moving forward, Komiya envisions continued growth of her salons and hopes to expand her clientele base, practical ambitions aligned with stability as she skillfully balances her two rewarding careers. “I want to keep enriching both my business and family life,” she concluded, instilling confidence alongside inspiring future generations.