Kochi City celebrated its Coming-of-Age Ceremony on January 12, 2025, gathering 2,286 young adults to mark this significant milestone of turning 20 years old. The event, held at the Kenmin Gymnasium, saw attendees dressed in traditional attire, reflecting both pride and hopes for the future.
This year’s ceremony honored 3,352 eligible young adults, which is slightly lower than the previous year, as the number of honorees decreased by 97. Despite this, the turnout was impressive, showcasing the community's enthusiasm and commitment to recognizing the achievements of the new adults.
Attendees included representatives from local schools and universities, highlighting their ambition and dreams. Among them was Tsuki Miyamoto from Kochi University of Technology, who expressed her resolution to embrace challenges more vigorously. “I think I've only chosen things I felt comfortable doing until now. Recently turned 20, I want to focus on striving without fear of failure,” she said.
The day also served as a reunion for many, with participants joyously reconnecting with childhood friends. Many exchanged stories of their past, and the atmosphere was alive with laughter and excitement over their shared step toward adulthood.
Governor Hamada delivered words of encouragement to the youth, saying, “I hope you fearlessly believe in yourself and carve out your future.” His message emphasized the importance of resilience and confidence as they navigate adulthood.
These sentiments were echoed by Kochi City Mayor Kuwana, who shared, “The path you will walk from now on will not always be easy. Remember, even if you stumble on one stage, there will always be another opportunity waiting for you. Trust what you've learned and continue to follow your path.”
The event included traditional performances and activities, making the ceremony festive and vibrant. Young adults participated actively, venturing outside for photo sessions dressed elegantly, capturing memories of their special day.
Some expressed hopes for the future, such as one participant stating, “I aim to be a good mother,” another sharing, “I want to be kinder as I enter this new phase of my life,” and yet another determined to become well-regarded among peers, proclaiming, “I will strive to be someone everyone loves to be around.”
The gathered youth were not only participants but also reflected the rich traditions of their community as they advanced from adolescence to adulthood. The Coming-of-Age Ceremony is not merely a rite of passage; it serves to instill values and responsibilities as they prepare for the next chapter of their lives.
Overall, Kochi City’s celebration showcased the spirit of youth, with aspirations mingling with the wisdom imparted by local leaders. The aura of hope and continuous learning prevailed as these young adults stepped confidently toward their futures, grounded by the support of their community.
On the whole, the Coming-of-Age Ceremony was a resounding success, not just as a formal recognition of turning twenty but as an event celebrating growth, dreams, and the continuing legacy of the collective spirit among the youth of Kochi City.